I am so happy to be a part of the craft beer explosion. I started working at a brewery, learned the beer styles. then I moved to England and had to resign - but we remain on great terms. When I came back to Florida, I got a job at a chain craft beer bar with over 500 beers. It was an intense training experience, but it forced me to learn all the breweries that we can get in Florida (sadly no state will get them all at this time, due to distributing). While I was working there, I got offered a job at a world known beer bar. Obviously I took it! I have been working there for a long time now, and I absolutely love it! I am taking my Cicerone exam soon. My managers are all very happy with my work ethic and knowledge. Since I am moving back to England in January, they told me I always have a job there if there is space. Good to know! Beer is my passion. I home brew, and I love educating people about beer without any smug attitude. If you ever have questions about beer, feel free to shoot me a line! I am not saying that I know everything, as I don't think anyone does. We are always learning, but I really love talking about it. I can pair beers with food, help with recipes, and help anyone get started in their craft beer journey!
I am sad to be leaving this place, but I am excited to go back to England. I will be living in an early 1800's cottage with chickens and a veggie garden.
I am planning a multi set with Myrtle and possibly Mnislahi. I say god'damn god'damn!
I am also going to be uploading a new set soon, shot by my co-worker Penny - who is also a hot derby girl. Here is a teaser!

I miss my dog. I know it has been over 2 years since she passed, but I cry everyday still. She was almost 17 years old. She was my life. I want to adopt a dog, but I don't have the stability right now to care for one. I can't wait until I do. I recommend always checking adoption agencies before looking into purchasing from a breeder. Save a life! They come with all their shots and are fixed. They even have puppies, and lots of them. Adoption is the way to go!

I am sad to be leaving this place, but I am excited to go back to England. I will be living in an early 1800's cottage with chickens and a veggie garden.
I am planning a multi set with Myrtle and possibly Mnislahi. I say god'damn god'damn!
I am also going to be uploading a new set soon, shot by my co-worker Penny - who is also a hot derby girl. Here is a teaser!

I miss my dog. I know it has been over 2 years since she passed, but I cry everyday still. She was almost 17 years old. She was my life. I want to adopt a dog, but I don't have the stability right now to care for one. I can't wait until I do. I recommend always checking adoption agencies before looking into purchasing from a breeder. Save a life! They come with all their shots and are fixed. They even have puppies, and lots of them. Adoption is the way to go!

ahhh, your speaking my language. You are so much more amazing as a beer fanatic, not that you were not amazing before. If you're ever in L.A. look for a brewery called Craftsmen.
That all sounds pretty dope. A buddy and I brewed a scotch ale earlier this year that turned out pretty good. I recently got into cheese pairings and just this Thanksgiving chose brews specifically based on the food we were having. And with all the beer bars and brewpubs around here, I'm not sure why I've never tried working at any of them. Sorry about your dog. My grandma's dog passed a little while ago and it was a sad scene. Sure it wasn't my dog, but she'd been apart of my life the last 16 years. Anyways, good luck and have fun in your future endevours.