4th of july in my city beautiful - even though each fire work that went off i thought of my hard earned money thrown into taxes and exploding on the skyline.... there goes art education in schools... there goes my gas money for the month... ..... there goes crime prevention....
here is my roommate's cat trying to eat my other roommate's gerbil. the cat does this for hours, swatting at the glass. im pretty sure the gerbil has brain damage. it stood in the same position, staring at us for 4 hours and started to fall asleep in the position (which was standing up with one hand on the glass).
welp, my triathlon is on sunday! im really nervous, omgzzzz. i just want to finish, but not be last. i hope i can meet that goal. i should be able to, i just gotta pace myself. eek.
good luck.
Where do you live now? Are you still in FL?