Monday Aug 14, 2006 Aug 14, 2006 0 Facebook Tweet Email Read More VIEW 13 of 13 COMMENTS stardiva: thanks. it is pretty cool, and much healthier too problem is, all that work and I probably only got enough broccoli to last us a month or two. that's ok, there is more coming on so I'll have to do it again in a couple weeks. Aug 15, 2006 imyourgodnow: yeah i agree DOGMA was ace but mallrats will allways be my fave of his films think im gonna have to have a kevin smith day soon.. Aug 15, 2006
problem is, all that work and I probably only got enough broccoli to last us a month or two.
that's ok, there is more coming on so I'll have to do it again in a couple weeks.
think im gonna have to have a kevin smith day soon..