Hey hey hey!! So i haven't updated for like over a year!!! So i've added a whole load of new pics and stuff!
So hows everyone been?
I have a new band and stuff which is a whole lot of fun, we are called Born To Break Even, and we have just finished a UK tour with The Hurt Process www.thehurtproces.com and The Maple Room...
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So hows everyone been?
I have a new band and stuff which is a whole lot of fun, we are called Born To Break Even, and we have just finished a UK tour with The Hurt Process www.thehurtproces.com and The Maple Room...
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Things i've done or people have done for my band!
Pictures of me!
I have been a member for ages but have just never gotten round to writing in here?? So i'm killing some time and i am going to write something.
Well i had a shit day at work today 9 hours of selling and fixing computers without a single break!!! NOT EVEN A CIGARETTE!!! Now that was hard work!
But its ok cuz i have a...
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Well i had a shit day at work today 9 hours of selling and fixing computers without a single break!!! NOT EVEN A CIGARETTE!!! Now that was hard work!
But its ok cuz i have a...
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Happy B-DAY.

You crazy fiend! Sounds to me like youre entering into one hot single-dom frenzy! YeeOwch! With black hair you'll be too hot to handle! Go get em!
(edited cos in my own personal frenzy - i forgot how to spell).
[Edited on Sep 04, 2005 3:25AM]

(edited cos in my own personal frenzy - i forgot how to spell).
[Edited on Sep 04, 2005 3:25AM]
Pictures of me/my band.
[Edited on Nov 23, 2005 4:35PM]