So a small man has moved into the hobbit hole downstairs (that is what I've decided to call it now). And we have no couch. We need a couch.
Winter Q starts tomorrow. I need to do HELLA well because I have a 3.01 GPA and I'm applying for study abroad for next fall (in Hong Kong) and if I go below that I'll be booted from the program. But I'm taking this intense ass classes so.....
I'm thinking about getting a genital piercing. After I get my second nose piercing of course (update: my septum is long gone due to the fuck-job the piercer did and now I have a high stud on my right side of the nose, and I'm gonna get a low stud done tomorrow I think). I want a horizontal hood but I don't know where I'd get it done at. I think I'd be too embarassed to have a male piercer do it but I want a really legit piercer to do it and I don't know any female ones in Davis. I was also thinking about getting two diagonal christinas but I hear a christina hurts more and takes longer to heal. Not that I'm having any urgent sex, so maybe I should take advantage of that. Then again, a week after I got my nips done I had the first sex I'd had in months. And it was out of no where sex, not previously considered sex.
Winter Q starts tomorrow. I need to do HELLA well because I have a 3.01 GPA and I'm applying for study abroad for next fall (in Hong Kong) and if I go below that I'll be booted from the program. But I'm taking this intense ass classes so.....

I'm thinking about getting a genital piercing. After I get my second nose piercing of course (update: my septum is long gone due to the fuck-job the piercer did and now I have a high stud on my right side of the nose, and I'm gonna get a low stud done tomorrow I think). I want a horizontal hood but I don't know where I'd get it done at. I think I'd be too embarassed to have a male piercer do it but I want a really legit piercer to do it and I don't know any female ones in Davis. I was also thinking about getting two diagonal christinas but I hear a christina hurts more and takes longer to heal. Not that I'm having any urgent sex, so maybe I should take advantage of that. Then again, a week after I got my nips done I had the first sex I'd had in months. And it was out of no where sex, not previously considered sex.
you should totally do that! your first project can be to make me some batman scrubs!
i'm so down! it's not too bad, if you look at the campus map online it's pretty exact... yay im excited!!