My evil evil apartment-mate moved out today. Ding dong the fat whorey witch is dead!!!!!
Too bad she left a huge fucking mess, as twas to be expected. And was load as fuck starting at 8 am. And didn't even finish really because she left behind more of her shit. And when she left and I wasn't there she left the door to the apartment wide open, letting in cold air and potential rapists/burglars. I despise her.
So now I am helping my other apartment-mate move upstairs into the evil witches old room because tomorrow this guy that we found on craigslist is moving in. Named Joshua. He just got back from study abroad in Venezuela. I sent him a very funny howdy email to which he did not respond with similar sense of humor. So we will have to wait and see how he turns out.
And all this is happening while I'm trying to keep from burning out before winter quarter even starts. It's gonna be jam fucking packed with crazy shit. I'm taking actually serious classes (math, econ, management, and physics) plus two classes at a community college (int. sewing and textile dying). Plus working part-time. And scheduling two conferences. And helping build a comic book library at the women's center. All in all.....I'm beat just planning for all this shit. I just want it to start already so I can stop thinking and start doing.
I haven't had sex, a kiss, or even a love interest since Spencer (the evil first ex who I ill-advisedly revisited this summer into early fall before he chucked me for his stupid ex). Not much bothered by this fact since I got my new vibe tho. I would like better friends tho. And having a guy who was a great friend that I could diddle wouldn't be soo bad.
I also picked up the latest two trades for American Virgin.

It kind makes me hot for Christians.......soooo drrrty!!!!
Too bad she left a huge fucking mess, as twas to be expected. And was load as fuck starting at 8 am. And didn't even finish really because she left behind more of her shit. And when she left and I wasn't there she left the door to the apartment wide open, letting in cold air and potential rapists/burglars. I despise her.
So now I am helping my other apartment-mate move upstairs into the evil witches old room because tomorrow this guy that we found on craigslist is moving in. Named Joshua. He just got back from study abroad in Venezuela. I sent him a very funny howdy email to which he did not respond with similar sense of humor. So we will have to wait and see how he turns out.
And all this is happening while I'm trying to keep from burning out before winter quarter even starts. It's gonna be jam fucking packed with crazy shit. I'm taking actually serious classes (math, econ, management, and physics) plus two classes at a community college (int. sewing and textile dying). Plus working part-time. And scheduling two conferences. And helping build a comic book library at the women's center. All in all.....I'm beat just planning for all this shit. I just want it to start already so I can stop thinking and start doing.
I haven't had sex, a kiss, or even a love interest since Spencer (the evil first ex who I ill-advisedly revisited this summer into early fall before he chucked me for his stupid ex). Not much bothered by this fact since I got my new vibe tho. I would like better friends tho. And having a guy who was a great friend that I could diddle wouldn't be soo bad.
I also picked up the latest two trades for American Virgin.

It kind makes me hot for Christians.......soooo drrrty!!!!

where are you taking intermediate sewing? i'll be at sac city sat mornings bright and early, haha
that tongue is really creeping me out