Oy vay! It has been too long!
Sometimes one just gets too preoccupied with the woes of life to keep up with these things.
School has ended and started again in the time that I've been away.
That boy, the surprisingly nice sex boy? Asshole. Haha....suprised much? I thought not. Yep, that is what you get for shitting where you eat, vomitting, then rummaging through that mess for another fuck....if that does not gross you out to the point of no return.
I've got a new place. It is snazzy and wonderful. I've already lost half of my roommates tho. If anyone is looking for a place in Davis.
Classes are stressing me out because they're just so not demanding. I bombed a big test in my Science Fiction Film class, which sucks. I'm taking art classes tho, which I love. And I've got a second job, aside from the art store. I'm going to be teaching shakespeare classes to K-6. Woot. And I am very aggressively pursuing a piercing apprenticeship.
And eating too much crap. Like a stick of cookie dough. And getting way too deep into the dorkdom. I'm having a random up streak with the money and I'm weighing my options for buying an Xbox 360 or a Wii. Not sure yet.
And I've decided I'm gonna spend next summer and fall in Hong Kong.
So yeah, life happened.
How are you all?
Sometimes one just gets too preoccupied with the woes of life to keep up with these things.
School has ended and started again in the time that I've been away.
That boy, the surprisingly nice sex boy? Asshole. Haha....suprised much? I thought not. Yep, that is what you get for shitting where you eat, vomitting, then rummaging through that mess for another fuck....if that does not gross you out to the point of no return.
I've got a new place. It is snazzy and wonderful. I've already lost half of my roommates tho. If anyone is looking for a place in Davis.
Classes are stressing me out because they're just so not demanding. I bombed a big test in my Science Fiction Film class, which sucks. I'm taking art classes tho, which I love. And I've got a second job, aside from the art store. I'm going to be teaching shakespeare classes to K-6. Woot. And I am very aggressively pursuing a piercing apprenticeship.
And eating too much crap. Like a stick of cookie dough. And getting way too deep into the dorkdom. I'm having a random up streak with the money and I'm weighing my options for buying an Xbox 360 or a Wii. Not sure yet.
And I've decided I'm gonna spend next summer and fall in Hong Kong.
So yeah, life happened.
How are you all?

Miss Canada is looking kinda tranny-ish, I must admit.
Forget the rain, there be snow on the Santa Cruz Mountains! w00t!
Yes. That is correct medical terminology for such a condition.