Been having a lame boring, attempt to destress day, watcing Buffy and playing WOW. Not working. More time to pass juveniellely. Remember when you used to get these survey things on myspace all the time?
1. You prefer a partner's pubes: au natural, trimmed, or smooth like a babys butt
Gosh, I don't know. I guess I liked it trimmed. I like hair but I don't want to floss....
2. The part of the body, other than genitals, you prefer to have attention paid to
My shoulders. They're always so tense. I like having them bitten.
3. Rough Sex: sheer terror, distant fantasy, occasionally displayed, or bedroom necessity
Definate bedroom necessity. I mean, unless we're having a moment. A soft sweet moment.
Rough to me just means passionate, and that's how sex should be.
4. When you fantasize you most often think about...?
Getting fucked from behind with someone smacking my ass.
Does that make me peculiar?
5. Toys in the bedroom: no need/desire, sometimes they come in handy, or ROMPER ROOM!
Never have experienced this before but I wouldn't say no.
6. Name the part of the body that attracts you most to a sexual partner
Broad shoulders, big tummy, chewy lips, nice eyes
7. Bedroom noise level: pin drop, squeaky squeaky, slap moan ah, or SAY MY NAME BITCH!
Depends on the person and the time and the place. I've always had to be the vocal one. It's hard
to coax boys into saying what they want.
8. Same sex partners: GAY all the way, bat for both teams, distant fantasy, or never
I bat for both teams
9. Multiple partners in bed: DVDA, tried it, distant fantasy, or 2 to tango only
I've tried it but I need to be high or drunk so I'm like super feeling it instead of all in my head.
10. When having sex where are you most often?
Bed or couch. That's pretty much all.
11. Your sexual appetite (in a good relationship) once or twice/week, once or twice/day, or insatiable
In a good relationship when I'm not depressed: insatiable. I'm pretty much insatiable except when
I'm going through a health thingie. Lack of thyroid makes one incredibly sleepy at times. But you
can fuck me while I'm sleepy. That's comfy.
12. PORN, you have: a closet full, a box full, an old vhs somewhere, or no desire
Well, I have the internet.
13. Your 1st sex partner: Rewarding, pleasant, forgetable, or regretful
My first consensual sex partner was kinda a mistake. I should've waited for someone I actually
felt something for but instead I just wanted sex to be something other than a painful memory as
soon as possible.
14. Preferable bouncy bouncy time: after dark, wake and make, or 24fucking7
I totally dig morning sex but I'm up for it any time of day
15. Name something you feel most confident about sexually
Oi! Um.....getting guys hard? I'm good at the seductive shimmy shimmy, grind up on you, little
hand tricks, oh, are you hard? kind of thing.
16. Name one thing you desire most in a partner sexually
Someone who knows what they want
17. When thinking of your best sex partner, what earned them the rank?
Um, he didn't rape me, and he was really big so when he'd be on me I'd feel all covered....and I
loved his dick
18. Going down, you most often: fight for firsts, reciprocate proudly, or reluctantly do the deed
I'm actually a freak among women....I don't like being gone down on but I really like giving head to
19. Directing a partner during sex you find: impossible, uncomfy but necessary, easy when needed, or healthy normalcy
Yeah, sometimes it's necessary. I just like it when it can be reciprocal.
20. During sex you prefer to look at: the inside of your eyelids, your partners face, your genitals slamming together, or all the above
I guess my eyes are closed most of the time....
21. Food & sex: you subscribe to Splosh Monthly, been there done that, or not interested
Eating while lying down is a no no
22. After sex you prefer: candid discussion, rolling over to sleep, spoons and purrs, eating/smoking, or undoing the chains
Spoons and purrs to sleep with mild Whedonesque discussion
23. You suspect someone can hear you fucking, so you: moan/scream/fuck louder, keep fucking but quiet down, or stop altogether due to fear or distraction
Quiet down unless the guy loses his hard on
24. Camera in the bedroom: batteries charged and ready daily, tried it, distant fantasy, or no fucking way
Distant fantasy. It'd be very interesting but I'm not sure about the whole trust thing
25. Your partners most often reaches orgasm...: more, less, or the same
I orgasm pretty quickly usually so I try and make it the same
26. Your desire for public affection: Fuck me in times square, make out in the mall, holding hands in the park, or private dancer
SOOOOOOOO not my thing......I can't even kiss in public unless I'm really certain no one I know is
1. You prefer a partner's pubes: au natural, trimmed, or smooth like a babys butt
Gosh, I don't know. I guess I liked it trimmed. I like hair but I don't want to floss....
2. The part of the body, other than genitals, you prefer to have attention paid to
My shoulders. They're always so tense. I like having them bitten.
3. Rough Sex: sheer terror, distant fantasy, occasionally displayed, or bedroom necessity
Definate bedroom necessity. I mean, unless we're having a moment. A soft sweet moment.
Rough to me just means passionate, and that's how sex should be.
4. When you fantasize you most often think about...?
Getting fucked from behind with someone smacking my ass.
5. Toys in the bedroom: no need/desire, sometimes they come in handy, or ROMPER ROOM!
Never have experienced this before but I wouldn't say no.
6. Name the part of the body that attracts you most to a sexual partner
Broad shoulders, big tummy, chewy lips, nice eyes
7. Bedroom noise level: pin drop, squeaky squeaky, slap moan ah, or SAY MY NAME BITCH!
Depends on the person and the time and the place. I've always had to be the vocal one. It's hard
to coax boys into saying what they want.
8. Same sex partners: GAY all the way, bat for both teams, distant fantasy, or never
I bat for both teams
9. Multiple partners in bed: DVDA, tried it, distant fantasy, or 2 to tango only
I've tried it but I need to be high or drunk so I'm like super feeling it instead of all in my head.
10. When having sex where are you most often?
Bed or couch. That's pretty much all.
11. Your sexual appetite (in a good relationship) once or twice/week, once or twice/day, or insatiable
In a good relationship when I'm not depressed: insatiable. I'm pretty much insatiable except when
I'm going through a health thingie. Lack of thyroid makes one incredibly sleepy at times. But you
can fuck me while I'm sleepy. That's comfy.
12. PORN, you have: a closet full, a box full, an old vhs somewhere, or no desire
Well, I have the internet.
13. Your 1st sex partner: Rewarding, pleasant, forgetable, or regretful
My first consensual sex partner was kinda a mistake. I should've waited for someone I actually
felt something for but instead I just wanted sex to be something other than a painful memory as
soon as possible.
14. Preferable bouncy bouncy time: after dark, wake and make, or 24fucking7
I totally dig morning sex but I'm up for it any time of day
15. Name something you feel most confident about sexually
Oi! Um.....getting guys hard? I'm good at the seductive shimmy shimmy, grind up on you, little
hand tricks, oh, are you hard? kind of thing.
16. Name one thing you desire most in a partner sexually
Someone who knows what they want
17. When thinking of your best sex partner, what earned them the rank?
Um, he didn't rape me, and he was really big so when he'd be on me I'd feel all covered....and I
loved his dick
18. Going down, you most often: fight for firsts, reciprocate proudly, or reluctantly do the deed
I'm actually a freak among women....I don't like being gone down on but I really like giving head to
19. Directing a partner during sex you find: impossible, uncomfy but necessary, easy when needed, or healthy normalcy
Yeah, sometimes it's necessary. I just like it when it can be reciprocal.
20. During sex you prefer to look at: the inside of your eyelids, your partners face, your genitals slamming together, or all the above
I guess my eyes are closed most of the time....
21. Food & sex: you subscribe to Splosh Monthly, been there done that, or not interested
Eating while lying down is a no no
22. After sex you prefer: candid discussion, rolling over to sleep, spoons and purrs, eating/smoking, or undoing the chains
Spoons and purrs to sleep with mild Whedonesque discussion
23. You suspect someone can hear you fucking, so you: moan/scream/fuck louder, keep fucking but quiet down, or stop altogether due to fear or distraction
Quiet down unless the guy loses his hard on
24. Camera in the bedroom: batteries charged and ready daily, tried it, distant fantasy, or no fucking way
Distant fantasy. It'd be very interesting but I'm not sure about the whole trust thing
25. Your partners most often reaches orgasm...: more, less, or the same
I orgasm pretty quickly usually so I try and make it the same
26. Your desire for public affection: Fuck me in times square, make out in the mall, holding hands in the park, or private dancer
SOOOOOOOO not my thing......I can't even kiss in public unless I'm really certain no one I know is
We could meet and you could be all "Drill this with your tip, RIGHT NOW..."
Glass half full, I am.
In fantasyland.
Realistically, I fumble with the unbuttoning of my pants because my hands are shaking so hard from the prospect of getting some after so long... WHILE I attempt to calm my brain down as it thinks of excuses to use if I accidentally pop off way too early. By that, I mean immediately after exposure to the elements.
Wow. I sure am full of confidence today.
Damn that Prom.