California Democratic Convention! Woooo!
I hate old people. Old political people to be exact. I have never been so annoyed and uninspired as I was at the convention today. Mixing extreme ageism with a nasty hangover is never a good idea. Makes me belligerent.
Last night I had lots and lots of people over and that was really fun. But I ended up rehashing old shit with Spencer, a friend from home, about the drama with the ex and our short fling and the fact he is now dating the 17 year old best friend of the 17 year old who started dating my ex boyfriend exactly a week and a half after the last time we had sex and is now living with him. He's 24. And a completely different person than the guy I once loved. And is totally ruining my trip home by dictating where I can and cannot be by his presence. I'm glad I have people over to entertain me and make me feel like a lot less of a loser. They also remind me how much I've changed and how strong I've become. I'm a better, more confident, more fun person than I ever was with him.
But I can't get laid.
Why do guys find strong women so frightening?
I know I'm not really out there to get guys but........why am I still attracted to the these guys I've known forever that aren't very nice at all? Why am I not okay with meeting new people?
Why can't I find a wonderful man or woman who understands me and finds me sexy and makes me feel sexy?
I hate old people. Old political people to be exact. I have never been so annoyed and uninspired as I was at the convention today. Mixing extreme ageism with a nasty hangover is never a good idea. Makes me belligerent.
Last night I had lots and lots of people over and that was really fun. But I ended up rehashing old shit with Spencer, a friend from home, about the drama with the ex and our short fling and the fact he is now dating the 17 year old best friend of the 17 year old who started dating my ex boyfriend exactly a week and a half after the last time we had sex and is now living with him. He's 24. And a completely different person than the guy I once loved. And is totally ruining my trip home by dictating where I can and cannot be by his presence. I'm glad I have people over to entertain me and make me feel like a lot less of a loser. They also remind me how much I've changed and how strong I've become. I'm a better, more confident, more fun person than I ever was with him.
But I can't get laid.
Why do guys find strong women so frightening?
I know I'm not really out there to get guys but........why am I still attracted to the these guys I've known forever that aren't very nice at all? Why am I not okay with meeting new people?
Why can't I find a wonderful man or woman who understands me and finds me sexy and makes me feel sexy?
Yeah I wish I did too!

I don't know what to tell you sweetie. Not all men are like that. My last girlfriend was very strong and confident and I adored her. You do deserve a man who understands you and finds you sexy and makes you feel sexy. And you will find him. Just don't settle for anything less. He is out there, but he's not going to be easy to find. And you may not even notice him at first. So if you really want him, pay attention. And when you find him you'll be so happy, so don't let him go. Kisses.