Number 1 thing to note about me: It's extremely hard for me to trust anyone.
Granted I've been surrounded by assholes, but still. I have deep trust issues that are the type you can try to deal with but every new fuck up kinda proves the "stay guarded" theory.
This being said, my roommates seek to save me from these issues.
I'm closed off, they say. I make them feel like they're worthless to me and not their friends.
Well, here's the reason why:
1. You borrow my car without asking and park it illegally getting me two tickets that you refuse to pay for because I didn't move the car.
2. When I feel desperately uncomfortable in a situation, talking with a mutual acquaintance about what constitutes rape, you ignore my pleas to leave, even though hours before you were telling me I need to speak up when something bothers me. Then you make me walk home by myself when I just can't take it anymore and stay out all night with our mutual friends. Do you want me to talk about it with you later? I don't fucking think so! That's what I call not being there for me. If you want that kind of relationship with me I will only participate if it goes both ways.
As you can tell from my bitter rantiness I've recently gone through a horrifically bad breakup. Broken hearted and pissed off I am more guarded and stand-offish than ever. If these girls want to "bond", they've got to be willing to be in it with me. I really don't think I'm asking too much because I give a lot more than I get.
I want to have a friendship like Turk and JD.
I need to hang out with more dudes again. There's none of this shitty talk about trust. Just guy love.....but I'm not a guy.....
Number 1 thing to note about me: It's extremely hard for me to trust anyone.
Granted I've been surrounded by assholes, but still. I have deep trust issues that are the type you can try to deal with but every new fuck up kinda proves the "stay guarded" theory.
This being said, my roommates seek to save me from these issues.
I'm closed off, they say. I make them feel like they're worthless to me and not their friends.
Well, here's the reason why:
1. You borrow my car without asking and park it illegally getting me two tickets that you refuse to pay for because I didn't move the car.
2. When I feel desperately uncomfortable in a situation, talking with a mutual acquaintance about what constitutes rape, you ignore my pleas to leave, even though hours before you were telling me I need to speak up when something bothers me. Then you make me walk home by myself when I just can't take it anymore and stay out all night with our mutual friends. Do you want me to talk about it with you later? I don't fucking think so! That's what I call not being there for me. If you want that kind of relationship with me I will only participate if it goes both ways.
As you can tell from my bitter rantiness I've recently gone through a horrifically bad breakup. Broken hearted and pissed off I am more guarded and stand-offish than ever. If these girls want to "bond", they've got to be willing to be in it with me. I really don't think I'm asking too much because I give a lot more than I get.
I want to have a friendship like Turk and JD.
I need to hang out with more dudes again. There's none of this shitty talk about trust. Just guy love.....but I'm not a guy.....

I JUST saw your comment on my tattoos folder!!!! Sorry, haha. Yeah my grandma started loosing her marbles before I got a lot of my tattoos. I think she's probably rolling over in her grave right now over the amount of tattoos I currently have, and she's getting ready to bust out and slap me over the ones I am planning! I loved that woman, but she would have hated my tattoos. My mom's side of the family is Catholic and really laid back (surprisingly). They don't mind that I have all of these tattoos, and I think part of it has to do with the fact that my Grandpa was in the army and knew a lotta fellows who had tattoos. Anyways, I know whatcha mean about the whole bein Jewish and having tattoos thing!!!
Oh I live in the East Bay right now ... near Walnut Creek ... hahaha. Thanks though!!!! Yeah I go to SFSU and I wanna live in the city now, it's cheaper than moving to NY anyways