Um, yeah, so I moved to Pittsburg, hell yeah! I love it here, especially when I'm curled up in my loverboy's arms.
It'll be kinda nice to not work while I'm getting adjusted and unpacking all of my shiznite, but not to worry, I'll be working somewhere- dunno where- soon enough. I missed all of you guys, for anyone who didn't notice already, I was without my sexy interweb for over a month, but now I'm back, yeaaaaah! <humps modem> Ahem, so, not a whole lot to say here, I'm rusty on the journal writing. I'll get back at yas laters and try to leave some comments to let my friends know I still love em! Here's some kisses to hold everyone over-

hope ya like it and ya find a job soon
....unless they make a Summer's Eve in that freshness, its just salad dressing i made , its like Italian , i made a cucumber salad with it today. it tastes good, but it reeks later.
good to see you here again! even though you're in pittsburgh, you're still a southern gal to me!