
A deal with the devil
One moment of hell
Wanting to yell
To scared to tell

Debts from the past
Rewards that dont last
realizations agast
Fears gaining fast

A lifetime regret
Cant ever forget
The truth a threat
Nights a cold sweat

One wish, one hope,
To reverse the slope
The perfect soap

when shadows fall, I close my eyes
and see a world of fireflies,
a rainbow of colours, of varyous size,
a shimmering glow filling the skys.

and if i look close I see the heat,
pulsating lights sharing a beat.
ebs and tides that never repeat,
dancing sparks wherever they meet.

and if i look closer I see the sears,
on each firefly, the...
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The brightest side

Silence, bursting with good presumtion,
For me beats noise and beer consumption,
Hoping that you have peace and joy,
I go to sleep a happy boy.


The thing with true love,
theres not time enough,
to play it like poker and bluff.
So I made this draft plan, its only a rough.

As much as i can, with the dice i am cast
I try not to gamble too fast.
Not to waste a chance that maybe my last.
And to value but not live in the past

To savour...
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Simplicity, Duplicity, Perfomance and Life

In bygone times actors wore masks
With smiles and frowns each serving thier task
Today we have chat and I have but to ask
What have we lost by moving so fast.

To Speak for effect
To Lie to protect
Egos and Ids standing Erect
And forgotten, un-noticed, Innocence wrecked.
Yesterday i spent the afternoon shopping with my best friend, we had fun. We always do.

A shard of smokey glass

Edges sharp and face so smooth
Formed in a moment of passion
Curtains of secrets veiling perfection
Moments of light, unnerving reflection

Burried deepest within my heart
Beating out its exquisit agony
I know to remove it, would kill me
And i hope and...
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2 Days to valenties

Whats worse that we need a special day to say "I love you", that we need a day to do so anomonosly, or that the world says to love somebody you have to buy them a 'thing'
A Friend showed me trust just now, and in doing so made me happy for at least a week.

Thank you sis.
I woke, my eyes all blury, my face wet and my pillow damp and for a moment i couldnt remember why, and then i did, i'd cried myself to sleep

4 times in 16 years, maybe thats to many maybe its to few all i know each time i wish i could forget

And why 16? becaue thats pretty much when my memories start, i...
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Sleep is mean,
when you oversleep you get into trouble,
when you undersleep you feel sh*t,
when you get it right you cant even remember the dreams.
