It's good though, I thought i'd take this opertunity to actually wrtie something. It's something I always keep putting off, now with absolutly nothing else to do (especially not sleep) I have no excuse.
Is there anyone out there that misses music? I mean like decent music, not the type of stuff they...
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It's been a while that I've been putting off writing here... I don't know why? It's probably a combination of laziness and lack of things to say.
However, something that i've been looking forward to for over a month happens tomorrow, and I guess that's as good a way as any to get the ball rolling. Rammstein in less than a day! This'll be my...
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However, something that i've been looking forward to for over a month happens tomorrow, and I guess that's as good a way as any to get the ball rolling. Rammstein in less than a day! This'll be my...
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