alright so things have finally started to improve.
my pain is still intense, but we have some decent bud and that has helped tremendously!
I went and saw the surgeon the other day and he said that he thinks i sprained the ligament and that i may have
a small hernia. yup im 23 not 60.
but he said for me to take it easy and to take advil around the clock to chill that ligament out and that id see him in
3 weeks and we'd tackle the rest of it after we get the easy part out of the way.
That made me feel way better that we were taking it one piece at a time.
I still think I'm going to need surgery but thats something I can't change, and i need to fight the things i can
change instead of wasting my time.
I miss katy, but that is another thing i can't change and its killing me, so I have to let her go.
I decided to try and start out everyday with a positive mantra.
Ive also started 'downloading guided meditation cds, I really miss my class and I want to expand my spiritual
side while my body heals.
Sleep has been wonderful lately and I don't know why. Sleep is a luxury that most people with fibro go
without, we rarely fall into deep sleep so we literally lay there asleep, but we don't rest. its a really cruel joke.
but for some reason mine has been nice the past couple of days.
So I met a girl, I don't know if anything will come out of it but shes really cute and super smart.
I kissed her on halloween and the night before.
btw I was a gorilla for halloween, no one else dressed up but it was still fun.
one of my friends crazy neighbors was arguing with me about parking spots and one of her remarks was
"What is it Halloween or something?"
yup it was indeed halloween.....
anyway im going to try and get some work done and get out of here before the bank and my rental office for
my apartment have the chance to close.
Lets hope this whole non depressed thing sticks right?
my pain is still intense, but we have some decent bud and that has helped tremendously!
I went and saw the surgeon the other day and he said that he thinks i sprained the ligament and that i may have
a small hernia. yup im 23 not 60.
but he said for me to take it easy and to take advil around the clock to chill that ligament out and that id see him in
3 weeks and we'd tackle the rest of it after we get the easy part out of the way.
That made me feel way better that we were taking it one piece at a time.
I still think I'm going to need surgery but thats something I can't change, and i need to fight the things i can
change instead of wasting my time.
I miss katy, but that is another thing i can't change and its killing me, so I have to let her go.
I decided to try and start out everyday with a positive mantra.
Ive also started 'downloading guided meditation cds, I really miss my class and I want to expand my spiritual
side while my body heals.
Sleep has been wonderful lately and I don't know why. Sleep is a luxury that most people with fibro go
without, we rarely fall into deep sleep so we literally lay there asleep, but we don't rest. its a really cruel joke.
but for some reason mine has been nice the past couple of days.
So I met a girl, I don't know if anything will come out of it but shes really cute and super smart.
I kissed her on halloween and the night before.

btw I was a gorilla for halloween, no one else dressed up but it was still fun.
one of my friends crazy neighbors was arguing with me about parking spots and one of her remarks was
"What is it Halloween or something?"
yup it was indeed halloween.....
anyway im going to try and get some work done and get out of here before the bank and my rental office for
my apartment have the chance to close.
Lets hope this whole non depressed thing sticks right?

Feel better ♥