So I have The dopest dope.

No jokin this stuff is amazing.
Work has also picked up, which has been rad.
I love working hard, it feels amazing.
Its pretty safe to say that life's been rad.
The lady situation is non existent and the lack of human contact has been brutal, but other then that life has been good.
I went and had lunch with my ex the other day. she said a ton of mean shit, I'm totally over her now.
which is bittersweet to be honest.
so my birthday is coming up. to be honest i don't really give a shit.
I'm not planning anything for it, I'm poor and so are my friends and family.
this hip shit has to stop, I'm going to my doctor soon, but its killing me.
so its not all bad that im not getting laid.
I'm really glad that fall has come, i wish it had been a little subtle, but it does what it wants right?
hopefully this winter will be light, or filled with people to share their warmth.