So. shits been happening right?
Death and taxes right?
well so far I can definently attest to taxes.
Man was that some shit.
So giving preteens weapons and then trying to get them to focus and not hit: themselves, each other, everything.
is simply a pipe dream.
they don't really listen to me yet, but hopefully as they get to know me better it will change.
Were working Tonfa currently. So far I really like it, but I have to come up with some way of reinforcing mine.
They seem like they are going to break whenever I do catches with them, which is no good.
I love left for dead!
and now I hate not having a 360.
I love my wii and all but so far I haven't found any zombie killing games for it.
I'm currently re reading two books
The Journey of Socrates by Dan Millman
I read this book last when I was in Hawaii. I would be done with it again but I forgot it at the Dojo.
The Tao Te Ching by Lao Tsu.
I'm trying to gleam more from it this time, as opposed to just reading right through it.
I just finally finished my book on Bushido.
it was a rad book, it took sometime to get through it, but it was well worth it.
I've also been watching quite a few movies. I signed up for netflix a few weeks ago, and I'm finally catching up on movies and shows I've missed over the years.
I also went and saw A Haunting in Ct.
Goddamn was it a jumpy movie.
A little factually dissapointing but the "story" was good.
well I really should get some things done before I go to bed tonight.
I hope all is well for everyone.
Death and taxes right?
well so far I can definently attest to taxes.
Man was that some shit.
So giving preteens weapons and then trying to get them to focus and not hit: themselves, each other, everything.
is simply a pipe dream.
they don't really listen to me yet, but hopefully as they get to know me better it will change.
Were working Tonfa currently. So far I really like it, but I have to come up with some way of reinforcing mine.
They seem like they are going to break whenever I do catches with them, which is no good.
I love left for dead!
and now I hate not having a 360.
I love my wii and all but so far I haven't found any zombie killing games for it.

I'm currently re reading two books
The Journey of Socrates by Dan Millman
I read this book last when I was in Hawaii. I would be done with it again but I forgot it at the Dojo.

The Tao Te Ching by Lao Tsu.
I'm trying to gleam more from it this time, as opposed to just reading right through it.
I just finally finished my book on Bushido.

I've also been watching quite a few movies. I signed up for netflix a few weeks ago, and I'm finally catching up on movies and shows I've missed over the years.
I also went and saw A Haunting in Ct.
Goddamn was it a jumpy movie.
A little factually dissapointing but the "story" was good.
well I really should get some things done before I go to bed tonight.
I hope all is well for everyone.
You do dojo? My whole family does too, I went and watched them yesterday, super fun to see my little sisters kicking people. Thanks for the add by the way and have a lovely day. Ah and I'm glad you're reading The Tao Te Ching.
haha I bet that looked funny, I hope they're treating the goat glamorously.