So I've been getting better at taking things one step at a time lately.
trying not to get overwhelmed or bowled over by life, but I'm still just learning.
One of my x's is getting married!
Its soo weird!
I'm just in total shock.
I know I shouldn't be, and I'm well aware that the world does not revolve around me, but i guess I just didn't see this coming.
I'm just totally floored.
Maybe its also my whole disfunctional view on marraige.
I Love Katy to death, but I don't want to get married.
And it is nothing against her by any means. I am just too young and I can't even fathom the rest of my life.
I've changed so much in just the past year, who will I be in 5 years? Where will I be in 10 years?
Jesus Christ I'm 22!
10 years ago i was 12!
Anyway I really do hope that my x is happy. I knew i couldn't do it, which is why i left.
She's been well every time I've seen her since our split so I don't feel too bad.
I do fell kinda shitty about not seeing her on her 21st a few days ago though, I wonder if her asked her to marry him on her 21st...maybe I'm glad i didn't go after all.
Other then all of that mess
Life has been great!
classes are going well, work is picking back up, and I finally have music prospects again!
I just need to shake my cold and all this talk of marraige
trying not to get overwhelmed or bowled over by life, but I'm still just learning.
One of my x's is getting married!
Its soo weird!
I'm just in total shock.
I know I shouldn't be, and I'm well aware that the world does not revolve around me, but i guess I just didn't see this coming.
I'm just totally floored.
Maybe its also my whole disfunctional view on marraige.
I Love Katy to death, but I don't want to get married.
And it is nothing against her by any means. I am just too young and I can't even fathom the rest of my life.
I've changed so much in just the past year, who will I be in 5 years? Where will I be in 10 years?
Jesus Christ I'm 22!
10 years ago i was 12!
Anyway I really do hope that my x is happy. I knew i couldn't do it, which is why i left.
She's been well every time I've seen her since our split so I don't feel too bad.
I do fell kinda shitty about not seeing her on her 21st a few days ago though, I wonder if her asked her to marry him on her 21st...maybe I'm glad i didn't go after all.
Other then all of that mess
Life has been great!
classes are going well, work is picking back up, and I finally have music prospects again!
I just need to shake my cold and all this talk of marraige

how are u, sweetie?