Out of Body Experience anyone?
So today during meditation I think I had another one.
The last one was about 2 years ago and was very unpleasant, I felt myself float forward and then I saw myself from different perspectives.
After that I quit meditating for a while and tried to reason it away.
Today during class was different. I felt myself being pulled far above my body and began having issues controlling my breathing and feeling my body.
I floated out of the building and then began spinning out of control, and finally snapped myself out of it once I began feeling to motion sick to continue.
I decided to do some research on see how I felt before asking my teacher what he thought.
so far I have only done one search and found very few things from that.
I have a different class tomorrow with the same teacher and I plan on bringing it up then.
I currently still feel ill, I hope that passes soon because I'd like to finish Helter Skelter tonight.
Kate and I went Ziplining this past weekend in Hocking Hills.
It was a good time, her parents came along and we all had a blast.
It was kinda weird at first since it was our 1 year celebration and having her parents there but it soon lost that vibe.
but i still contend that it was no Hawaii, but it was still good.
On Another note,
I've also posted a few things on a "friends" note on face book.
In his note he says that anyone who believes in capitalism is a racist.
Finding this to be the most ridiculous thing I have heard in a very very long time; against my better judgment i decided to respond.
Apparently ever point I made was invalid and even though there are many whites who fail and blacks who succeed (apparently those are the only races that matter) the system is racist and all examples are nothing more then "token". this is the most absurd bullshit I have ever heard.
To say that someones point is invalid because "of course the system would do something like that to not appear racist".
Makes me want to start hitting people over the heads with hammers.
Why is there a conspiracy for everything?!?
Also why does a debate have to become personal?
I hadn't said that their ideas were laughable, even though i found them to be,
Nope I run away to my blog to bitch about it.
Anyway, other then people I knew in high school, who don't have real jobs, who use drugs heavily, and expect society as a whole to pay for everything for them.
life is good
So today during meditation I think I had another one.
The last one was about 2 years ago and was very unpleasant, I felt myself float forward and then I saw myself from different perspectives.
After that I quit meditating for a while and tried to reason it away.
Today during class was different. I felt myself being pulled far above my body and began having issues controlling my breathing and feeling my body.
I floated out of the building and then began spinning out of control, and finally snapped myself out of it once I began feeling to motion sick to continue.
I decided to do some research on see how I felt before asking my teacher what he thought.
so far I have only done one search and found very few things from that.
I have a different class tomorrow with the same teacher and I plan on bringing it up then.
I currently still feel ill, I hope that passes soon because I'd like to finish Helter Skelter tonight.
Kate and I went Ziplining this past weekend in Hocking Hills.
It was a good time, her parents came along and we all had a blast.
It was kinda weird at first since it was our 1 year celebration and having her parents there but it soon lost that vibe.
but i still contend that it was no Hawaii, but it was still good.
On Another note,
I've also posted a few things on a "friends" note on face book.
In his note he says that anyone who believes in capitalism is a racist.
Finding this to be the most ridiculous thing I have heard in a very very long time; against my better judgment i decided to respond.
Apparently ever point I made was invalid and even though there are many whites who fail and blacks who succeed (apparently those are the only races that matter) the system is racist and all examples are nothing more then "token". this is the most absurd bullshit I have ever heard.
To say that someones point is invalid because "of course the system would do something like that to not appear racist".
Makes me want to start hitting people over the heads with hammers.
Why is there a conspiracy for everything?!?
Also why does a debate have to become personal?
I hadn't said that their ideas were laughable, even though i found them to be,
Nope I run away to my blog to bitch about it.
Anyway, other then people I knew in high school, who don't have real jobs, who use drugs heavily, and expect society as a whole to pay for everything for them.
life is good

have a sweet day!