So I'm starting martial arts again Friday and I'm really excited about it.
since the last post I've started Lyrica and it has made a drastic difference, but while my scale says I'm close to the same weight i don't look at myself the same so I'm glad to start exercising again.
I've also gotten my spiderweb tattoo finished which is cool, my elbow now glows under black light.
Kate and i are heading to Washington state at the end of this month to help a friend move.
it should be an awesome time but per usual I'm worried about money.
we are also heading to Columbus at the end of next month to go zip lining for our 1 year
the nice thing about that trip is that i have already paid for the tickets.
so basically what I'm saying is that if i were to find a big bag of money most of my issues would be solved
since the last post I've started Lyrica and it has made a drastic difference, but while my scale says I'm close to the same weight i don't look at myself the same so I'm glad to start exercising again.
I've also gotten my spiderweb tattoo finished which is cool, my elbow now glows under black light.
Kate and i are heading to Washington state at the end of this month to help a friend move.
it should be an awesome time but per usual I'm worried about money.
we are also heading to Columbus at the end of next month to go zip lining for our 1 year
the nice thing about that trip is that i have already paid for the tickets.
so basically what I'm saying is that if i were to find a big bag of money most of my issues would be solved

I glade to hear thing are looking up we could all use a bit more money well i know i could.
hello there thanks for the request good luck and stop by n say hi sometime kay? XOXO