so. now that i have a few drinks in me and i have some free time i feel free to lament and talk about shit that im trying to supress.
katy has been talking to her x lately and i have no issue with that. but her x's new gf e-mailed me and said some shit that bugged me.
and katy is seeming really lovey
which makes me feel like maybe shes cheating on me.
i have no proof
i just have a gut feeling
we had a talk and she said she has no feelings what so ever for anyone else
which i said that i have no issue with even if she did.
i dont think i would even care so much, but i just want to know.
i have feelings for other people, maybe its just the libra in me.
so ive been avoiding that girl so i dont do/say anything stupid.
i called just to shoot the shit a little while ago and i let her go bc she was at a party and one of her friends who knows i like her started to bitch me out.
i dont understand.
i just want friends. even if there is emotional baggage.
it just seems like i cant have any female friends.
and since i dont really get along with dudes im kinda fucked.
anyway. katy's x's new partner (confused yet?)
said that i should be everything to her.
personally i totally disagree.
i think that we all have needs that our chosen partner cannot fill.
and to understand and embrace that is to love and understand them better.
but what do i know.
im kinda stupid.
and drunk.
katy has been talking to her x lately and i have no issue with that. but her x's new gf e-mailed me and said some shit that bugged me.
and katy is seeming really lovey
which makes me feel like maybe shes cheating on me.
i have no proof
i just have a gut feeling
we had a talk and she said she has no feelings what so ever for anyone else
which i said that i have no issue with even if she did.
i dont think i would even care so much, but i just want to know.
i have feelings for other people, maybe its just the libra in me.
so ive been avoiding that girl so i dont do/say anything stupid.
i called just to shoot the shit a little while ago and i let her go bc she was at a party and one of her friends who knows i like her started to bitch me out.
i dont understand.
i just want friends. even if there is emotional baggage.
it just seems like i cant have any female friends.
and since i dont really get along with dudes im kinda fucked.
anyway. katy's x's new partner (confused yet?)
said that i should be everything to her.
personally i totally disagree.
i think that we all have needs that our chosen partner cannot fill.
and to understand and embrace that is to love and understand them better.
but what do i know.
im kinda stupid.
and drunk.

U sound like ur a great and understand guy but I already know that. U have to be up frount with the people that u love it is hard to do. Telling my hubby that I wanted to sleep with other people scared me more then I ever thought possiable. But it got us talking. Ur girl is lucky that u are open mined and just want to know what is going on. I hope things get better for u sweetie.