Goodmorning beautiful Sg land! How can I thank you enough? My debut set has reached and passed the 1800k likes and I am so grateful right now, this motivates me to go on and to believe in my Pink dream! I want to thank my photographer @luxes because without her I would have never start this journey and also because she pushed me o to shoot an 80’s themed set that the result has passed my idea of it! I was sure it would have been amazing but omg, I definally fell in love with the result! The 80’s vibes are so real and a lot of people commented about the theme talking about it! I am so proud🙏 WHAT A FEELING!<—- is in member review since one month and if you haven’t seen it yet it would mean a lot if you support me with a heart and comment💖
Special thanks to @missy @sean @penny and all the lovely Sg staff🙏💖