I am a dirty, dirty corporate whore. Not only do we all wear t-shirts with the company logo and " Warehouse Team" written on them, but we have to be tested on various components of company procedure. Of which I have, as of yesterday, passed all of them. Oh the shame.
I refuse to buy into the monthly performance bonus plan or memorising the company slogan for a quick $20, But I fear the indoctrination has begun. Pray for my soul dear friends.
Seriously though, I can understand trying to build company loyalty and teamwork. It does seem odd to expect it when the wages that are payed are so low. The recently released study by the City, while not giving results for a single person, made it pretty clear that in order to live paycheque to paycheque you need more money than I'm making right now.
I may be moving a few years earlier than I planned, hopefully my creditors will be understanding if it comes to that.
Hope everyone is doing great
I refuse to buy into the monthly performance bonus plan or memorising the company slogan for a quick $20, But I fear the indoctrination has begun. Pray for my soul dear friends.
Seriously though, I can understand trying to build company loyalty and teamwork. It does seem odd to expect it when the wages that are payed are so low. The recently released study by the City, while not giving results for a single person, made it pretty clear that in order to live paycheque to paycheque you need more money than I'm making right now.
I may be moving a few years earlier than I planned, hopefully my creditors will be understanding if it comes to that.
Hope everyone is doing great

I have been thinking about getting a bike for a long time, maybe I'll actually act on it this spring/summer. hehe