Drank a wee bit too much last night and spent most of the morning regreting it. It was all in good fun as I spent yesterday afternoon and evening recording some guitar parts for my friend Angelo (don't use AKG C1000'S to mic up 2 4x12 cabinets, doesn't work) and going over some ideas regarding the recording studio we'll be building on the property he and his girlfriend are purchasing. Guitar tracks sound fucking awesome, really proud of myself. Once the new studio is built I think the recordings are certainly going to be comparable to anything in my album collection. Well....maybe not Alan Parsons's work on "Dark Side Of The Moon"
Asides from that I've recognised a huge difference in my outlook on life. A month being away from the shitty living situation I was in for the previous year has given me time to become comfortable and accept my own shortcomings. Personal growth I guess, which is hard to do when you spend most of the time worrying about your stuff being stolen or if there is going to be imminent death around you. All I really need to do now is carry this new found serenity to a new living situation and I believe everything will be A-Okay.
(Enough of the New-Agey sap )
Hope everyone is doing great because, finally, I am.
Asides from that I've recognised a huge difference in my outlook on life. A month being away from the shitty living situation I was in for the previous year has given me time to become comfortable and accept my own shortcomings. Personal growth I guess, which is hard to do when you spend most of the time worrying about your stuff being stolen or if there is going to be imminent death around you. All I really need to do now is carry this new found serenity to a new living situation and I believe everything will be A-Okay.
(Enough of the New-Agey sap )
Hope everyone is doing great because, finally, I am.
Happy Birthday!