Be careful what you wish for.
After searching for six weeks for a full time job the Heavens opened up and a voice said "You want work? I'll give you all you can handle...Bwaa Ha Ha Ha!!" First day at my new job and was there from 11am untill 2 am. Jezzus. Which isactually a good thing bedcause hopefully I can start dealing with the small mountain of debt I've managed to accumulate since May. But still 15 hrs at work? What is this, the Spanish Inquisition?
Cool place though and super nice people which is such a change from where I was the last 5 years.
One thing that does suck though, right now my piano teacher and I are trying to work me into his schedule for Saturday's. I really want and am prepared to do my Grade 9 exam this Spring but I won't be if I have to quit. Plus there is the small matter of having to walk away from the $1300 I spent on the lessons in the first place.
Hope everyone is having a great day
After searching for six weeks for a full time job the Heavens opened up and a voice said "You want work? I'll give you all you can handle...Bwaa Ha Ha Ha!!" First day at my new job and was there from 11am untill 2 am. Jezzus. Which isactually a good thing bedcause hopefully I can start dealing with the small mountain of debt I've managed to accumulate since May. But still 15 hrs at work? What is this, the Spanish Inquisition?
Cool place though and super nice people which is such a change from where I was the last 5 years.
One thing that does suck though, right now my piano teacher and I are trying to work me into his schedule for Saturday's. I really want and am prepared to do my Grade 9 exam this Spring but I won't be if I have to quit. Plus there is the small matter of having to walk away from the $1300 I spent on the lessons in the first place.
Hope everyone is having a great day

But see, the thing of it is I was raised in Edmonton during the 80's. You'll recall that as the era when Edmonton won everything all the time. How can you not like sports at least a little bit when your hometown teams alway win? Since coming to Victoria I've found myself forced to defend Edmonton from every Vancouver fan who finds out where I was born. This has pushed me into the position of being a much more adamant fan than I ever was in Edmonton. I guess I just like being difficult.
Congrats. on the new job and good luck with the grade 9!