If only the days had 40 hours in them and I didn't need to sleep.
It was gorgeous today and I spent the biggest chunk of the day in front of a mac in my windowless basement office.
well, I don't feel like I'm getting old, but my friends have started playing board games at our parties and by midnight my eyes are growing heavy! It's definitely a change from the good ol days, but all those drugs and drinks mess w/ my head.
Somethings about to happen in the middle east and I'm trying not to be scared. The more I hear, the less I like. The clock is ticking, we'll see how bad it gets I guess. At least I got some sitcom humor to boost my mood before the news hit.
What a depressing post! Oh well, tomorrow is St. Pattys day, maybe I'll call some friends and drink some green Guiness or Harp.
It was gorgeous today and I spent the biggest chunk of the day in front of a mac in my windowless basement office.
well, I don't feel like I'm getting old, but my friends have started playing board games at our parties and by midnight my eyes are growing heavy! It's definitely a change from the good ol days, but all those drugs and drinks mess w/ my head.
Somethings about to happen in the middle east and I'm trying not to be scared. The more I hear, the less I like. The clock is ticking, we'll see how bad it gets I guess. At least I got some sitcom humor to boost my mood before the news hit.
What a depressing post! Oh well, tomorrow is St. Pattys day, maybe I'll call some friends and drink some green Guiness or Harp.
as far as your jewelry question goes, i would never pierce anyone with plastic jewelry. the only material that i will pierce with, in fact, is surgical steel. most common piercings can be changed within a few weeks to jewelry of other material, but i would definately not recomend putting plastic into a fresh piercing.