So I was actually browsing through the "Sex Talk" group recently and decided to look up some weird and quirky things about sex that exist around the world.
Here's 10 things that I found. I definitely laughed more than I should have at some.
1) 1 in 10 babies in Europe are conceived in an IKEA bed. hmmmm.
2) I really have no idea if this is true, but the smell of pumpkin can significantly increase the amount of blood flow that drives down to the penis, according to the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation of Chicago. Perhaps it's time to start drinking (and smelling) more pumpkin spice lattes on a regular basis.
3) The German word for "contraceptive" is "Schwangerschaftsverhütungsmittel". Most likely however, by the time you finish trying to find out how to say it, it's already too late.
4) Professor Beverly Whipple was the creator of the term "G-Spot". It's lucky that's how things happened, otherwise it would have been called the "Whipple Tickle", and I can't see that going down real well in a seriously intimate situation for obvious reasons.
5) The average speed of a guy's ejaculation is 45 km/h (I have no clue what that is in miles per hour for all those Americans reading this). Wow.
6) Here's one for us Australians. Out of all other countries in the world, Australians have been found to have sex in parks the most.
7) If you've ever thought why you can't pee after an orgasm, it's because anti-diuretic hormones are released all over your body which pretty much stops you from doing so.
8) Humans, fish and porpoises all have oral sex.
9) It's most likely that people tend to get distracted around the two or three minute mark during sex or other related intimate activity. I'll let you be the judge of that one though.
10) Sex can make women's hair shinier and can also make their skin glow because of all the extra estrogen that is produced.
There is no doubt that sex is fun. Go hard (if you know what I mean), but make sure you also go safe at the same time.