been quite a while since my last post, but i've got a myspace and a livejournal, so it seems redundant. being that this IS a separate social network, though, i see the act now as not completely futile. that said...
it's strange how summer changes when you get older. when you're a kid, there are those days that drag on and on, but towards the last two weeks of it, they're much too quick. and it's painful, that rapidly approaching singularity of the fall semester, but it's cathartic in a way.
now, though, summer just feels like...better weather. same shit, different season. that's an extremely unfortunate way of looking at it, i know...but working ALL year and getting a couple weeks of paid vacation spread out is...really shitty. and the seasons melt together as do the years. and you wait for retirement, which isn't at all like vacation; it's more another form of work where you answer to yourself and get paid far less. you'll think, i have all this time to do what i've wanted to do all these years, but more than likely you don't. you'll realise the stress and boredom associated with employment sometimes pales in comparison to the stress of boredom itself.
so, you pursue your hobbies, and wind up with all this poorly-conceived crap because you've no drive to make it better.
i guess it's different for everyone; definitely, my view on this is naive and pessimistic. there are, of course, other factors to consider. the joys of familyhood, for one. the possibility of wealth through a lifetime of hardwork and shrewd investing. the experiences beyond work that make you a wiser and better person.
i don't want to retire to a lazyboy and remote, but based on my present status it seems i already have.
i need to get some shit done.
i need to pursue what's important to me.
i need to accept the risks.
and i need a fucking vacation.
it's strange how summer changes when you get older. when you're a kid, there are those days that drag on and on, but towards the last two weeks of it, they're much too quick. and it's painful, that rapidly approaching singularity of the fall semester, but it's cathartic in a way.
now, though, summer just feels like...better weather. same shit, different season. that's an extremely unfortunate way of looking at it, i know...but working ALL year and getting a couple weeks of paid vacation spread out is...really shitty. and the seasons melt together as do the years. and you wait for retirement, which isn't at all like vacation; it's more another form of work where you answer to yourself and get paid far less. you'll think, i have all this time to do what i've wanted to do all these years, but more than likely you don't. you'll realise the stress and boredom associated with employment sometimes pales in comparison to the stress of boredom itself.
so, you pursue your hobbies, and wind up with all this poorly-conceived crap because you've no drive to make it better.
i guess it's different for everyone; definitely, my view on this is naive and pessimistic. there are, of course, other factors to consider. the joys of familyhood, for one. the possibility of wealth through a lifetime of hardwork and shrewd investing. the experiences beyond work that make you a wiser and better person.
i don't want to retire to a lazyboy and remote, but based on my present status it seems i already have.
i need to get some shit done.
i need to pursue what's important to me.
i need to accept the risks.
and i need a fucking vacation.