haven't posted in years. geez.
i guess that's what happens when you get your shit together.
just finished school (i think) to wind up with a b.s. in biology. hmm. so what now?
med school! maybe.
most bio majors are shitting bricks worrying about getting in.
and me? so fucking non-chalant about it, like, "yeah, i guess i'll go to medical school."
hah! what an...
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been quite a while since my last post, but i've got a myspace and a livejournal, so it seems redundant. being that this IS a separate social network, though, i see the act now as not completely futile. that said...
it's strange how summer changes when you get older. when you're a kid, there are those days that drag on and on, but towards the...
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okay, so first post then...

my room is still not complete. i embarked on the seemingly easy task of acoustic insulation about a month ago, only to find out shortly thereafter that this shit is not easy. fuck!

but eventually i figured out what i do need. the only problem now is finding that damn 703 and/or 705 FRK rigid fiberglass! i guess i need...
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projects always seem so much easier BEFORE you actually start them smile