It is 72 degrees in my house and I am burning up. I am all for the spring weather coming a month and a half early but if it means we're going to have a scorcher of a summer then I'll take my 30's back.
]First the Cranberries and now Garbage are coming out with new albums? What ever happened to calling me before you put out new stuff damnit?!?! Whats next, Soul Asylum? Silverchair?
Bunraku ended up being a really awesome movie. Stylized kung-fu in a western Samurai flick staring Josh Hartnett, Woody Harrelson, Demi Moore, Gakt and Ron Perlman. Was almost a little long at 2 hours but really didn't notice the time go by.
Thanksgiving was a hoot! Six extra people in my house and nothing got destroyed! Almost makes me want to do it again next year. Almost.
How did everyone elses thanksgivings work out?
Long time no post. Summer has been really busy but what it all boils down to is getting out and camping and waiting on my brother to has his daughter. I am already an Uncle with my older brother having 2 kids but this is my younger brother and he is close enough to me where I can actually be a part of that child's... Read More