All motivation gone. No urge to do anything.
a sad yap is a bad yap.
In other news, I got the cortisone shot...felt the worst pain in the world (again) after the anesthesia wore off. That crazy pain didn't last long though, but my ankle is barely any better. Might need surgery. JOY.
Haven't seen Wilkie in over a month, and am thinking he's not feelin it anymore. Which would be fine if he just told me. But it could also be bc he's extremely busy, which I understand. Your career comes first. That's how it should be, otherwise you'll be a jobless loser who can't even support himself, let alone another person/family.
I think about stuff way too much.
I miss my
The breakup has finally hit me...hard. Had a small anxiety attack in the car yesterday. Cried in the bathroom at work too....and the day before.
so pathetic.
I never want to fall in love again. This pain is too much. I kind of want to die a little bit.
a sad yap is a bad yap.
In other news, I got the cortisone shot...felt the worst pain in the world (again) after the anesthesia wore off. That crazy pain didn't last long though, but my ankle is barely any better. Might need surgery. JOY.
Haven't seen Wilkie in over a month, and am thinking he's not feelin it anymore. Which would be fine if he just told me. But it could also be bc he's extremely busy, which I understand. Your career comes first. That's how it should be, otherwise you'll be a jobless loser who can't even support himself, let alone another person/family.
I think about stuff way too much.
I miss my
The breakup has finally hit me...hard. Had a small anxiety attack in the car yesterday. Cried in the bathroom at work too....and the day before.
so pathetic.
I never want to fall in love again. This pain is too much. I kind of want to die a little bit.