I had quite the fantastic weekend.
Friday.....uh....hm....think think think......Oh! I went over Mike's house. Mike is my bestie. I love him and the other guys who hang out with all my heart. They are pretty much my reason for being on the weekends. We don't ever really do much...It's pretty much sitting around in Mike's room, playing videogames and eatin dinner together. But it's fun, because they're pretty awesome guys. And I guess you could say I'm somewhat-to very attracted to one or two of them. Haha XD
Saturday was the best day of the weekend by far. Slept literally ALL DAY. Wellllll....I was awake for maybe about 3 hours of the day mixed in with that sleep, and I woke up for good at around 8pm. I went to a local bar at around 9:30 to see my friend sing w/ her electric acoustic guitar. She is AMAZING. I lover her voice. I had no idea she even sang! And she was pretty happy that I finally came out for once. She tends at another bar on Sundays, and I never go because I (used to) go to bed fairly early for work. I don't think I was even home before 2am this whole week though, so now I know I can sacrifice some sleep to go hang out. After the bar, I went to my friend Ray's to chill for like 2 hours, before bailing to hangout with a guy at my house. The guys over at Ray's are cool, and I have fun with them...but it's been weeks since I had any serious boy action. I had no choice. I had to leave. And I've known this 'boy' since I was in 10th grade, so it's perfectly acceptable.
He's an older dude, but it's all good. I never do actually go out with guys my age. I like the older ones, but not too old. Definitely not too old. But in the past, I did hook up with a long time friend who's 11 years older than me, but can pass for 24 easy. He works out nearly everyday, so he's fit and he's got a young face. He's very drool worthy in my eyes. He's also the kinda guy who doesn't take any shit, and has a great sense of humor (he belongs to the Mike group actually. So that's a big plus for me! Hahaha). All the guys over there are jerks and assholes, but it's all in good fun. You have to be able to take teasing and sometimes literal punching in order to hang with them. I almost broke my hand on Mike's bedroom door once because of Geo and Kevin both punching me in each thigh really hard. But I'm a man. I can take it.
So...uh...yea.....I hung out with that guy (who shall remain unnamed, because I don't kiss and tell, unless they are actually my bf.
) I suppose you can say we had a good time. Lol...I had such nervous energy goin, especially since it was nearly 3am when he finally came over. I don't even have to do anything with him. I could just look at him naked and be a happy camper. I didn't used to have a 'type', but he's caused me to be more into guys that are like him. Just thinking about him gets me all worked up! XD His eyes did get irritated from the crazy cat hair in my basement (2 long haired calico girls live in my big, bachelor pad basement.) so things were put to a hault between us, but that's alright. I still had a good time, and we didn't just get right to it at first anyway. We have good conversation, so that's pretty awesome. Yea....but I don't think I'll be looking to him for a relationship ever. He's an awesome friend, and provides a good time...but he's a bit of a player. I don't really know that he'd be a good boyfriend. I'm not trying to insult...I'm just talking from experience. He likes the ladies. Hahaha But he'll always be a friend. This I know.
UUUUGGGGHHHH I'm in such a great, FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC mood today! The sun is shining, the sun is warm, the alarms are non-stop near my office! It's a great day. It's been a week since Alex and I broke up, and I'm taking it pretty well. I think it's due to the fact that I knew what would happen for a few weeks, and I was a totaly wreck then. I suppose I was mourning my loss already. I can read Alex like a book. I know what he's thinking before he even thinks it. And I've also gone out nearly every day for the past week and a half. Which is awesome. Even though I think I'm making myself a little sick with all the sleep I'm not doing. But today is a day of rest. I'm going over Dana & Mike's tonight for some good, relaxing hangout time, and I'll try to head home before 2am.
WIsh me luck with this awesome mood! I hope reality doesn't smack me upside the head anytime soon. I love this spring-time happy-go-lucky mood I've got goin on! Even with me still not being able to eat right!
Oh, and Easter was alright. Went to brunch with my mom, grandma, sister, and 2 of my mom's friends. Then my sister and I went to my dad's for family stuff over there. We have this Greek tradition of egg breaking. You hard-boil and color a shit-ton of eggs. Then everyone gathers around them, takes one at a time, and hits the ends against other people's eggs, trying to crack them. You use either end of each egg...Never the sides. And whoever has at least one side of their egg still solid, is the winner. I've been winning EVERY year for the past 10 years. AND I WON AGAIN!!!! My family is such sore losers. I don't even know how I win every year. Maybe I just have excellent karma and the gods are looking out for me. Hahahaha yea...They're lookin out for my egg.
My sister and I on our way to brunch. Yes...we have the same parents....hahaha

Friday.....uh....hm....think think think......Oh! I went over Mike's house. Mike is my bestie. I love him and the other guys who hang out with all my heart. They are pretty much my reason for being on the weekends. We don't ever really do much...It's pretty much sitting around in Mike's room, playing videogames and eatin dinner together. But it's fun, because they're pretty awesome guys. And I guess you could say I'm somewhat-to very attracted to one or two of them. Haha XD
Saturday was the best day of the weekend by far. Slept literally ALL DAY. Wellllll....I was awake for maybe about 3 hours of the day mixed in with that sleep, and I woke up for good at around 8pm. I went to a local bar at around 9:30 to see my friend sing w/ her electric acoustic guitar. She is AMAZING. I lover her voice. I had no idea she even sang! And she was pretty happy that I finally came out for once. She tends at another bar on Sundays, and I never go because I (used to) go to bed fairly early for work. I don't think I was even home before 2am this whole week though, so now I know I can sacrifice some sleep to go hang out. After the bar, I went to my friend Ray's to chill for like 2 hours, before bailing to hangout with a guy at my house. The guys over at Ray's are cool, and I have fun with them...but it's been weeks since I had any serious boy action. I had no choice. I had to leave. And I've known this 'boy' since I was in 10th grade, so it's perfectly acceptable.

He's an older dude, but it's all good. I never do actually go out with guys my age. I like the older ones, but not too old. Definitely not too old. But in the past, I did hook up with a long time friend who's 11 years older than me, but can pass for 24 easy. He works out nearly everyday, so he's fit and he's got a young face. He's very drool worthy in my eyes. He's also the kinda guy who doesn't take any shit, and has a great sense of humor (he belongs to the Mike group actually. So that's a big plus for me! Hahaha). All the guys over there are jerks and assholes, but it's all in good fun. You have to be able to take teasing and sometimes literal punching in order to hang with them. I almost broke my hand on Mike's bedroom door once because of Geo and Kevin both punching me in each thigh really hard. But I'm a man. I can take it.

So...uh...yea.....I hung out with that guy (who shall remain unnamed, because I don't kiss and tell, unless they are actually my bf.

UUUUGGGGHHHH I'm in such a great, FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC mood today! The sun is shining, the sun is warm, the alarms are non-stop near my office! It's a great day. It's been a week since Alex and I broke up, and I'm taking it pretty well. I think it's due to the fact that I knew what would happen for a few weeks, and I was a totaly wreck then. I suppose I was mourning my loss already. I can read Alex like a book. I know what he's thinking before he even thinks it. And I've also gone out nearly every day for the past week and a half. Which is awesome. Even though I think I'm making myself a little sick with all the sleep I'm not doing. But today is a day of rest. I'm going over Dana & Mike's tonight for some good, relaxing hangout time, and I'll try to head home before 2am.

WIsh me luck with this awesome mood! I hope reality doesn't smack me upside the head anytime soon. I love this spring-time happy-go-lucky mood I've got goin on! Even with me still not being able to eat right!
Oh, and Easter was alright. Went to brunch with my mom, grandma, sister, and 2 of my mom's friends. Then my sister and I went to my dad's for family stuff over there. We have this Greek tradition of egg breaking. You hard-boil and color a shit-ton of eggs. Then everyone gathers around them, takes one at a time, and hits the ends against other people's eggs, trying to crack them. You use either end of each egg...Never the sides. And whoever has at least one side of their egg still solid, is the winner. I've been winning EVERY year for the past 10 years. AND I WON AGAIN!!!! My family is such sore losers. I don't even know how I win every year. Maybe I just have excellent karma and the gods are looking out for me. Hahahaha yea...They're lookin out for my egg.

My sister and I on our way to brunch. Yes...we have the same parents....hahaha
