I never thought I would start 'the rebound' so quickly, after a 2 year long, 1st love relationship! But I have been preparing for this breakup (which happened Monday evening) for a few weeks....so I suppose it's not so quick? I was already kind of in the mindset of losing Alex and becoming single....My friend put it in the perfect words....You're a heartbroken ball of hormones...You wanna fuck and cry at the same time. Lmao! It is kinda true....Like, he didn't mean cry and fuck at literally the same time...You're horny, and really wanna screw, but you're also devastated by the breakup. It's really confusing, and I'm not entirely sure what to do. Do I act on these urges? Do I sit on the sidelines for a while and "mourn"? I know I can't stay home alone for a while. I do need to hangout with friends to cheer me up while going through this, but do I hookup with the couple of people I am pretty attracted to (and have a past with)? Psh, hell if I know what I should do!
So, this week has been relatively difficult, but also nice too. I'm starting to feel a little of the freedom of being single...I don't have to watch the tone of my voice, and worry about upsetting my significant other. If I offend someone, who cares! We aren't attached, and if I offend you so easily, fuck you guy! I don't need that again. I need someone who's at my humor/sarcasm level. Someone who's a little tougher and can send my dark/slightly insulting humor right back at me. Damn you Massage Mike...that was you....you bastard! You brainwashed me with that excellent massage!! haha
Yesterday I worked, then went to visit my friends at their job. Hung around there for a couple of hours...it was a good time. We were reading "Texts from Last Night"
I love that kinda stuff! Afterwards I went home for dinner, then got invited out by two other friends!! I accepted both invitations...Yes, I double booked. lol Met up with Tom at a local bar for a drink. It was an alright time..............We made out in my car for like an hour.
Boy was I......not that surprised....haha We've gotten together in the past. Right before Alex actually....He and I slept together, and then literally like a week or two later, I went on a few dates with Alex and then was his girlfriend. SHUN TO TOM!!
I'm such an asshole....But hey, if ya snooze, ya lose! 
I kind of pounced on him before we even got in the car....I've been really pent up lately...I haven't gotten any action (wow, way to sound like a dude) in a few weeks! And Tom started working out....he's in better shape.....I'm drooling....hahaha
He was shocked by my kissing skillz. GIGGITY! Yea....He said that he didn't really remember how I kissed the last time, but was very much surprised by how great a kisser I am. I don't know if he was just saying it, even though he repeated that he wasn't doing that....But he did kind of seem like he was in shock. But a pleasant shock....**shrug** Whatever! Gotta take compliments while ya can still get them, right?
**sigh** Tom and those purdy eyes of his...and those lips! It's so different kissing someone who has more lips than the (ex) bf I was kissing for 2 years! Alex has also had a mustache for 9/10 of our relationship. He's one of the only people I know who looks good with a stache.
After my little makeout & pants/crotch touch session, I kicked him outta my car (not before him saying that we need to hangout and have sex this Friday.
Hahahaha) and went on my merry way to the next spot. I met up with Rick and his friends at Applebee's, but got a little lost on my way. My GPS led me to the middle of nowhere, but on the correct road. I was like 3 miles away....WTFFFF haha
Rick and his wife are pretty cool peeps, but she wasn't there. Rick's friend's brother was pretty cute....I've been noticing way too many attractive guys!! haha We had a couple of drinks over there and laughed our asses off quite a bit. The waitress there thought I was Rick's girlfriend. He told me that she asked and said that we looked really good together............Yea....Sorry, but Rick just isn't my type. He's a great guy and he's alotta fun to hangout with...but...No.
Applebee's was pretty sweet too. I had a ton of fun last night. I didn't get home till 3am! I got 3 hours of sleep....had to wake up at 7am for work....I hate work. 8am-5pm, Monday-Friday! I want to die. I'm at work right now! Dying....Those few drinks I had are making me all jittery today. I can feel my heart beating too much, and my stomach feels awkward. But not sick...I dunno....My whole body feels strange, but no pain or pukey feeling.
Tonight I'm going to hangout with a fellow SG member (not actual SG though. lol) and tell her all about my life updates and listen to her's and have a grand ol' time! I'm excited....I haven't seen her in forever and I totally love her and her man! I've known him since I was in 6th grade. They're good people.
So...Should I hangout with Tom this Friday, not hangout with him, or hangout with him, but not let him strip? We have already 'done the deed', so....yea....I don't quite know how to approach this...haha
Time to get back to work!!
Wish me luck guys.

Totally forgot to mention....Tom and me making out.....the car totally fogged up.
Every window...you could barely see out of them. Haha YEA! 
So, this week has been relatively difficult, but also nice too. I'm starting to feel a little of the freedom of being single...I don't have to watch the tone of my voice, and worry about upsetting my significant other. If I offend someone, who cares! We aren't attached, and if I offend you so easily, fuck you guy! I don't need that again. I need someone who's at my humor/sarcasm level. Someone who's a little tougher and can send my dark/slightly insulting humor right back at me. Damn you Massage Mike...that was you....you bastard! You brainwashed me with that excellent massage!! haha
Yesterday I worked, then went to visit my friends at their job. Hung around there for a couple of hours...it was a good time. We were reading "Texts from Last Night"

Boy was I......not that surprised....haha We've gotten together in the past. Right before Alex actually....He and I slept together, and then literally like a week or two later, I went on a few dates with Alex and then was his girlfriend. SHUN TO TOM!!

I kind of pounced on him before we even got in the car....I've been really pent up lately...I haven't gotten any action (wow, way to sound like a dude) in a few weeks! And Tom started working out....he's in better shape.....I'm drooling....hahaha
He was shocked by my kissing skillz. GIGGITY! Yea....He said that he didn't really remember how I kissed the last time, but was very much surprised by how great a kisser I am. I don't know if he was just saying it, even though he repeated that he wasn't doing that....But he did kind of seem like he was in shock. But a pleasant shock....**shrug** Whatever! Gotta take compliments while ya can still get them, right?
**sigh** Tom and those purdy eyes of his...and those lips! It's so different kissing someone who has more lips than the (ex) bf I was kissing for 2 years! Alex has also had a mustache for 9/10 of our relationship. He's one of the only people I know who looks good with a stache.
After my little makeout & pants/crotch touch session, I kicked him outta my car (not before him saying that we need to hangout and have sex this Friday.

Rick and his wife are pretty cool peeps, but she wasn't there. Rick's friend's brother was pretty cute....I've been noticing way too many attractive guys!! haha We had a couple of drinks over there and laughed our asses off quite a bit. The waitress there thought I was Rick's girlfriend. He told me that she asked and said that we looked really good together............Yea....Sorry, but Rick just isn't my type. He's a great guy and he's alotta fun to hangout with...but...No.

Applebee's was pretty sweet too. I had a ton of fun last night. I didn't get home till 3am! I got 3 hours of sleep....had to wake up at 7am for work....I hate work. 8am-5pm, Monday-Friday! I want to die. I'm at work right now! Dying....Those few drinks I had are making me all jittery today. I can feel my heart beating too much, and my stomach feels awkward. But not sick...I dunno....My whole body feels strange, but no pain or pukey feeling.

Tonight I'm going to hangout with a fellow SG member (not actual SG though. lol) and tell her all about my life updates and listen to her's and have a grand ol' time! I'm excited....I haven't seen her in forever and I totally love her and her man! I've known him since I was in 6th grade. They're good people.

So...Should I hangout with Tom this Friday, not hangout with him, or hangout with him, but not let him strip? We have already 'done the deed', so....yea....I don't quite know how to approach this...haha
Time to get back to work!!
Wish me luck guys.

Totally forgot to mention....Tom and me making out.....the car totally fogged up.

Have some fun!