Bikram Yoga tonight was awesome. Class went from 6-7:30(ish). It was intense. My shirt is still wet with sweat. But don't worry...I'm showered and it's in the hamper. But I couldn't miss my shows after class, so I stayed in my sweaty nasty during Idol and Grey's, but ran to the shower as soon as they were over.
It was really difficult, and I did kinda want to die a few times in there. I couldn't do everything because I was feelin swimmy in the head, but it was still great, and I can't wait to go back and get better and better.
I was already in a good mood earlier today from finding out I've already lost 5lbs, but after the yoga I'm peppy and very happy....This is all so strange...I haven't felt really happy in a while. And I also got into a bit of a tiff with a coworker that I now totally hate and will not even acknowledge their existence. Yea. He's a cunt. I want to slit hit throat and tear out his intestines with my bare hands. But I'm still in a great mood! haha
GOING TO SEE MUSE @ M.S.G. TOMORROW WITH THE BOI! I'm excited! I got him these tickets for Christmas...We're in section 95, and tickets in that area are now selling for like $800. WOO!

It was really difficult, and I did kinda want to die a few times in there. I couldn't do everything because I was feelin swimmy in the head, but it was still great, and I can't wait to go back and get better and better.
I was already in a good mood earlier today from finding out I've already lost 5lbs, but after the yoga I'm peppy and very happy....This is all so strange...I haven't felt really happy in a while. And I also got into a bit of a tiff with a coworker that I now totally hate and will not even acknowledge their existence. Yea. He's a cunt. I want to slit hit throat and tear out his intestines with my bare hands. But I'm still in a great mood! haha
GOING TO SEE MUSE @ M.S.G. TOMORROW WITH THE BOI! I'm excited! I got him these tickets for Christmas...We're in section 95, and tickets in that area are now selling for like $800. WOO!

you seem constantly loosing... cool!
Thanks! My whole torso is so sore from the past 2 days of working out, it's awesome! I can't wait to go to yoga again tomorrow!