So, my sleeping patterns are a little random lately. Not by a huge amount, but it's enough for me to notice....I have nights where I pass out barely after 11pm, and other nights where I can't fall asleep till after 1am. I still wake up at 7am (or 7:20 if I turn stupid and then only have MAX 20 minutes till I have to be on the road to work).....I'm so tired right now!! I miss the days where I wouldn't fall asleep till after 6am and then wake up at 2-3pm. I loved mother didn't. lol She used to yell at me and tell me that there had to be something wrong with me. I don't agree in this case. Yes, there is definitely something wrong with me, but this isn't a reason to think so. The amount of sleep I got was normal, but it just happened during different hours of the day. I'm not a natural daywalker like most people...I love the evening/late night! The pale is an indicator of my sunless lifestyle. I don't hate the sun, I just can't take the heat. 
And note to self: Stay away from those 5 hour energy things.....I've become caffeine sensitive, and that stuff makes me feel kinda sick. I guess it's from not consuming nearly as much caffeine as I did when I was a kid. But red bull doesn't bother my system. I LOVE red bull. But still, I try to stay away from as much unnatural stuff as possible, especially since I'm trying to lose some weight and get in shape. Damn holidays added even more pounds on! (only like 5-8 though). I was supposed to go to the gym with a friend last night, but my sleeping habits caused me to be way to comfy in my warm, cozy den and I passed out. But next time.....Next time I shall pump teh iron!!
Last night, at around 11:30pm I finally bought myself a pair of bowling shoes and a new bag! I'm so cool, I know! I bowl enough for it to def. be worth the $40 for the shoes. Each bowling trip costs an extra $5 for shoe rental, so I'll be getting my money back in 8 trips max! I was a league bowler from 4th-9/10th grade. And then I bowled again at my local community college, and my teacher was in love with me. I was the prize student. hahaha
It was a breeze course for everyone, but I actually knew all the terms, and I'm not too bad a bowler (for a non pro. chick....I sadly can't break 200 yet :blackeyed
, and whatever crap they 'teach' you in that class. I was out for 2 days once, and my teacher asked my group if they knew where I was. He asked them if they had any other classes with me, or if they knew me outside of school. Of course they didn't. lol....He was nice, unlike those bitches, who were trying to force me out of their group because they thought some guy was cute. I should've bitch slapped them. But my more immature 18 year old self wasn't that smart.
My shoes are pretty rad. They're black n' white with hearts all over them, and my bag has skulls all over it. Perfect coupling, right? I got the bag because I have 3 balls, and only 1 bag n' one case (one ball is a Courage the Cowardly Dog ball I won in a raffle at a bowling field trip when I was in a program at'll never be used, just drooled on.) I can't wait to get my nerd gear! haha
I may be nerdy, but I can probably kick most of your asses at this game. And equestrian! And give me a week to warm back up, and I'll pwn you in Gears of War!

my shoes!

my bag!

And note to self: Stay away from those 5 hour energy things.....I've become caffeine sensitive, and that stuff makes me feel kinda sick. I guess it's from not consuming nearly as much caffeine as I did when I was a kid. But red bull doesn't bother my system. I LOVE red bull. But still, I try to stay away from as much unnatural stuff as possible, especially since I'm trying to lose some weight and get in shape. Damn holidays added even more pounds on! (only like 5-8 though). I was supposed to go to the gym with a friend last night, but my sleeping habits caused me to be way to comfy in my warm, cozy den and I passed out. But next time.....Next time I shall pump teh iron!!
Last night, at around 11:30pm I finally bought myself a pair of bowling shoes and a new bag! I'm so cool, I know! I bowl enough for it to def. be worth the $40 for the shoes. Each bowling trip costs an extra $5 for shoe rental, so I'll be getting my money back in 8 trips max! I was a league bowler from 4th-9/10th grade. And then I bowled again at my local community college, and my teacher was in love with me. I was the prize student. hahaha

My shoes are pretty rad. They're black n' white with hearts all over them, and my bag has skulls all over it. Perfect coupling, right? I got the bag because I have 3 balls, and only 1 bag n' one case (one ball is a Courage the Cowardly Dog ball I won in a raffle at a bowling field trip when I was in a program at'll never be used, just drooled on.) I can't wait to get my nerd gear! haha
I may be nerdy, but I can probably kick most of your asses at this game. And equestrian! And give me a week to warm back up, and I'll pwn you in Gears of War!

my shoes!

my bag!