I have a real problem. Hair boredom has struck yet again! *sigh* wish me luck figuring out wtf to do with this mop.
I can't stop playing Mass Effect! That and Farscape (tv series I watch on Netflix) have taken over my life!!! I watch so much Farscape that now instead of seconds, I think of microtts, and instead of hours, I think arhns...and cycle has replaced year! I'll be 22 cycles old in less than half an arhn! hahahaha

I can't stop playing Mass Effect! That and Farscape (tv series I watch on Netflix) have taken over my life!!! I watch so much Farscape that now instead of seconds, I think of microtts, and instead of hours, I think arhns...and cycle has replaced year! I'll be 22 cycles old in less than half an arhn! hahahaha