So, I feel better....for now....and also my cough is still here. It's stayin strong! But that happens with coughs when you're sick...they stick around for a while. I've come to learn that Mucinex works better than Dayquil cough.
Not sure what I'm going to do with myself tonight after I see the doctor (YET AGAIN) for my ankle, and physical therapy afterwards. I won't be getting home till nearly 9 tonight. hm....I'll think of something to do I suppose....
Got my boyfriend a replica of the Red Queen sword from Devil May Cry. It's so sick! I want one for myself!! Am I an awesome gf or what? I buy my man things he doesn't need, but really wants....I've already bought him 2 other blades and a couple dragon statues....And I'm going to try to get my hands on a couple Muse concert tickets. I just wish the show was closer than March. Oh well, it'll be fun regardless, and i know he's going to looooove me if/when I do get these tix. n.n
I spoil's nice to be spoiled it wrong for me to wish my bf did that sometimes? I know he doesn't really have much money because of school debt, but still.....I think he could spend $10 on a cute, small boquet of flowers or something.....I want to feel special sometimes, can you blame me? I'm not asking for diamonds or rubies n' crap. Even a note left on my car or something romantic......Yea, I'm a bit of a hopeless romantic...and he's not very romantic at all.....his idea of romance is taking me out to a nice restaurant. I don't like food. I eat chicken fingers and chicken cutlets. And fries...and veggies.....My diet doesn't vary much. I'd sooner not eat if I could live like that.....He knows I don't eat anything......okay, I'm rambling....But my point is that I just wish I had found someone with romance capabilities....oh well...I suppose I'll live, right?
I can't wait for Christmas!! I asked for a heating blanket and fingerless gloves for office is ALWAYS freezing! I asked for more stuff, like a computer monitor and some movies/tv series, but I won't bore you with those details...hehe
I had the most disturbing scenario in my head friend, who has a big mane of blonde curly hair is dying her hair brunette next weekend, and I'm going to help. I randomly went crazy for a few seconds at work yesterday, and was picturing this in my head...oh, I'm just going to copy and paste what I commented on her facebook yesterday.!:
Don't ask me why, but I just pictured the most hilarious, disturbing thing....I pictured that instead of dying your hair brown, I suggested the following, which you did. You shaved your head and painted your entire head brown, then you constantly shouted "I'M A DOOOO DOOOOO HEAD! A BIG DOOOO DOOOO HEAD!!!" What the fuck is wrong with me.....I was about to lose it at work. I couldn't stop laughing!!!
She replies:
.....{=/........I....I really don't know how to feel about this....I ....I really don't....
HAHAHAHA I have serious issues, and it's awesome!

Not sure what I'm going to do with myself tonight after I see the doctor (YET AGAIN) for my ankle, and physical therapy afterwards. I won't be getting home till nearly 9 tonight. hm....I'll think of something to do I suppose....
Got my boyfriend a replica of the Red Queen sword from Devil May Cry. It's so sick! I want one for myself!! Am I an awesome gf or what? I buy my man things he doesn't need, but really wants....I've already bought him 2 other blades and a couple dragon statues....And I'm going to try to get my hands on a couple Muse concert tickets. I just wish the show was closer than March. Oh well, it'll be fun regardless, and i know he's going to looooove me if/when I do get these tix. n.n
I spoil's nice to be spoiled it wrong for me to wish my bf did that sometimes? I know he doesn't really have much money because of school debt, but still.....I think he could spend $10 on a cute, small boquet of flowers or something.....I want to feel special sometimes, can you blame me? I'm not asking for diamonds or rubies n' crap. Even a note left on my car or something romantic......Yea, I'm a bit of a hopeless romantic...and he's not very romantic at all.....his idea of romance is taking me out to a nice restaurant. I don't like food. I eat chicken fingers and chicken cutlets. And fries...and veggies.....My diet doesn't vary much. I'd sooner not eat if I could live like that.....He knows I don't eat anything......okay, I'm rambling....But my point is that I just wish I had found someone with romance capabilities....oh well...I suppose I'll live, right?
I can't wait for Christmas!! I asked for a heating blanket and fingerless gloves for office is ALWAYS freezing! I asked for more stuff, like a computer monitor and some movies/tv series, but I won't bore you with those details...hehe

I had the most disturbing scenario in my head friend, who has a big mane of blonde curly hair is dying her hair brunette next weekend, and I'm going to help. I randomly went crazy for a few seconds at work yesterday, and was picturing this in my head...oh, I'm just going to copy and paste what I commented on her facebook yesterday.!:
Don't ask me why, but I just pictured the most hilarious, disturbing thing....I pictured that instead of dying your hair brown, I suggested the following, which you did. You shaved your head and painted your entire head brown, then you constantly shouted "I'M A DOOOO DOOOOO HEAD! A BIG DOOOO DOOOO HEAD!!!" What the fuck is wrong with me.....I was about to lose it at work. I couldn't stop laughing!!!
She replies:
.....{=/........I....I really don't know how to feel about this....I ....I really don't....
HAHAHAHA I have serious issues, and it's awesome!