So....Turkey was yours? Mine could have been better, but I'm trying not to let a few tears ruin my holiday. This is why I hate most people, and I'm starting to hate relationships. But the food was great! My parents are divorced, so I got to have two (small) dinners and one desert. I say small dinners, because I can only eat so much, and I wanted to enjoy both food locations! 
Wish me luck when I have to (yet again) discuss "things" with my man...*ahem* boy....yea, I'm pretty peeved, and that's that....he's got to shape up or ship out. Or admit to me that he wants to end this, because this is not a game and he's gotta stop toying with me here. Okay okay! I'm sorry, I'll stop venting here! I'm totally a broken record right now..
Onto happier thoughts....
I started AC2, and I love it! I like the Italian setting, and especially that sometimes they toss out some Italian words. It makes me happy that I took Italian in high school, so I understand what they're saying! lololol

The guards chase you on the rooftops, and when they give up, they jump down to the ground with no regards to the height they're jumping from, and because of this, they die sometimes. They accidentally commit suicide. And this picture is hilarious.
Wow...I'm on, on my xbox360 (it's like a radio music streaming program) and the spice girls just started playing....I'm listening to spice up your life, and I can't hit the 'next' button....wait....wait!....GOT IT! *click* oh thank god! haha...I really like this program. It's introduced me to a lot of different artists.
Ahh *yawn* It's about 11pm...why am I so tired? Emotional exhaustion? perhaps. Was it me being out/awake till 3am last night, and then waking up at 9am for the macy's day parade? possibly. Could it have been the beer/vodka I consumed this afternoon? Definitely helped with the making of the tired.
Random change of subject!
I'm thinking about dying my hair...not a huge change, and nothing drastic because of my job. I want to change my bleached section to a more realistic blonde, and make the brunette section a deeper brunette. The brunette is my natural, medium brown....I'm bored with it I think. lol.....I think this is what I want to do, but I'm not 100% sure if this is the change I want. *shrug* We'll see I suppose. =P
Alrighty...I'm going to shut my trap now and go back to surfing the web/watching things through netflix/gaming.

Wish me luck when I have to (yet again) discuss "things" with my man...*ahem* boy....yea, I'm pretty peeved, and that's that....he's got to shape up or ship out. Or admit to me that he wants to end this, because this is not a game and he's gotta stop toying with me here. Okay okay! I'm sorry, I'll stop venting here! I'm totally a broken record right now..
Onto happier thoughts....
I started AC2, and I love it! I like the Italian setting, and especially that sometimes they toss out some Italian words. It makes me happy that I took Italian in high school, so I understand what they're saying! lololol

The guards chase you on the rooftops, and when they give up, they jump down to the ground with no regards to the height they're jumping from, and because of this, they die sometimes. They accidentally commit suicide. And this picture is hilarious.
Wow...I'm on, on my xbox360 (it's like a radio music streaming program) and the spice girls just started playing....I'm listening to spice up your life, and I can't hit the 'next' button....wait....wait!....GOT IT! *click* oh thank god! haha...I really like this program. It's introduced me to a lot of different artists.

Ahh *yawn* It's about 11pm...why am I so tired? Emotional exhaustion? perhaps. Was it me being out/awake till 3am last night, and then waking up at 9am for the macy's day parade? possibly. Could it have been the beer/vodka I consumed this afternoon? Definitely helped with the making of the tired.
Random change of subject!
I'm thinking about dying my hair...not a huge change, and nothing drastic because of my job. I want to change my bleached section to a more realistic blonde, and make the brunette section a deeper brunette. The brunette is my natural, medium brown....I'm bored with it I think. lol.....I think this is what I want to do, but I'm not 100% sure if this is the change I want. *shrug* We'll see I suppose. =P
Alrighty...I'm going to shut my trap now and go back to surfing the web/watching things through netflix/gaming.