It's nearly Turkey Day, and my vaccuum is still hungry! Nearly done cleaning, and it can't be done soon enough! I haaate cleaning, but afterwards, when the clumps of cat hair (they shed like their lives depend on it) are no more, the feeling of clean is great. I just wish that two days later, it would still look like I just cleaned, but NO. The cats' hair won't be having any of that. It's determined to make me look like a slob!
Again, there's next to nothing to do at work today, so I'm surfing the interwebs, and getting paid for it! Honestly....I'd rather be back in bed right now. But alas.....that's not how a full time job works, even when there is no work for you to do.
O, can anyone give me some ideas of fun things to do? It seems I have no imagination for this sort of thing, and I've become quite bored recently. You can only bowl and game so much before you need a new flavor on your plate. I'm bored! And with only the weekday evenings and weekends for to do things, I have no ideas....I don't even know what I'm saying anymore....I need more sleep and more cuddles <3

Again, there's next to nothing to do at work today, so I'm surfing the interwebs, and getting paid for it! Honestly....I'd rather be back in bed right now. But alas.....that's not how a full time job works, even when there is no work for you to do.
O, can anyone give me some ideas of fun things to do? It seems I have no imagination for this sort of thing, and I've become quite bored recently. You can only bowl and game so much before you need a new flavor on your plate. I'm bored! And with only the weekday evenings and weekends for to do things, I have no ideas....I don't even know what I'm saying anymore....I need more sleep and more cuddles <3

You can make clothing for your cats. It may control the hair a bit.
haha omg never....I think I put a sweater on one once, and she did that thing where they stop moving was funny....but nah, I'd much rather shave them close to bald.