I have to speed out the door to buy my friend's birthday present, but I can't seem to detach myself from this chair. I'm stuck on the interwebs and we have to make a 5:40 movie! There's something wrong with me...I'm feeling so lazy. I just wanna surf the web and lay around in bed today, but I have plans for her birthday. I'm such a bad friend. lol I wanted to run out to get the present over an hour ago so I wouldn't have to rush, but, uh.....yea....I don't even know if I want to go to the movie...I'd like to see the movie, but I'm just not in the mood...Maybe I'm just run-down from being sick this week....*sigh* I need to go now.....feeling lazy suuuuuucks! 
It's 9:37pm, and I'm hangin with the Tasha! She loved her presents...well, I told her she had to....well, I didn't really, but she's seeing this as I type, so I'm telling her now. 0.0
We're hangin around, (she, with her balls out...........) havin some drinks and we're about to watch Hellraiser 2!! I'm so excited! *fart*
I apologize....she's saying things as I type, and then I must type that too....is funny! SEX! See what I mean? lawl XD
okay, we're *very* special, and it's time for the movie! bye now! and STFU NATASHA! <3

It's 9:37pm, and I'm hangin with the Tasha! She loved her presents...well, I told her she had to....well, I didn't really, but she's seeing this as I type, so I'm telling her now. 0.0
We're hangin around, (she, with her balls out...........) havin some drinks and we're about to watch Hellraiser 2!! I'm so excited! *fart*
I apologize....she's saying things as I type, and then I must type that too....is funny! SEX! See what I mean? lawl XD
okay, we're *very* special, and it's time for the movie! bye now! and STFU NATASHA! <3

depressed or just lazy?
Nah, just really lazy....I'm not much of a depressed person. But she was feeling lazy too, so it actually worked out well!