Hey people. It's been a very long time since I've last blogged so I thought I'd update you in some of whats been going on the last year or so.
Lets start with the obvious; the pandemic. Well I work in a grocery store but luckily I'm a night stocker so the store is closed and empty while I am there. Nevertheless I still had my fair share of negative interactions with customers due to mask policies and shortages. I live in a very very republican right leaning state so we never once had a mask mandate state wide though some local jurisdictions implemented them so its been a very hot issue here, even still. Dont feel like going into the politics much but its been in a word a clusterfuck the last year. Only good thing I can say about the total disregard for the well-being of others and lack of policies etc is that may state never suffered economically and continued to grow, just slowed. Even today our unemployment is only 3% though cost of housing is going insane. Thank god I bought a house back in 2018.
And speaking of my house lets talk about the garden!
First I want to show you what it looked like when we bought it.
As you can see we had....dirt. The dirt the very quickly turned into weed haven, mostly invasive species but some natives ones that have spikes and thorns. We are currently in our third spring here and wanted to show what we have accomplished so far. We work outside so much that even though these pics were taken a week ago it already looks different, including a few truckloads more of dirt and mulch, but here's our garden as it mostly is.
I love this groundcover thats taking over our stone path.
Wild rose and strawberries
Ummm...just my wife. (How'd this pic get in here 😉)
Vegetables. note* Both beds are now full of soil.
Our path in progress
Our current years project. Cant wait until it fills in.
Berries, I think blackberries and my succulents.
One of our lilacs in bloom. The color is baby blue. Picture just doesn't do it justice. We also have white ones too.
Have I said I love succulents? Cactus is a must have! Plus some other ones I have.
Just love these flowers.
Well I need to take alot more pictures but thats where I spend most my freetime. So what do you all think of our progress so far? I'll update later with more pics once things start blooming. Also have a few other things but this blog is long enough already. Hope everyone has a great and wonderful weekend and stay safe.
Much love