Hey all I just wanted to write a quick blog about the Shen Yun concert I had the pleasure of attending a few days ago. For whomever has no idea what that is I linked the trailer for it below.
It was phenomenal to say the least. The dancing and the colors were just awe inspiring. There were even some solo singers and musicians throughout the performance. I think my favorite part was probably the drum sequence. They told stories through dance and every performance was introduced in both English and Chinese which I found very fascinating since I have a huge interest in foreign languages, though Mandarin seems way to incredibly difficult for me to ever learn.
It also gave me an excuse to semi dress up and wear some of my jewelry that I rarely ever get a chance to wear. His a pic of myself the night of the show. Anyway if you ever have a chance to attend as they travel all over the world I highly recommend it.
Much Love