Hey SG land.
Looks like another year has passed which means I am another year older. I just turned 38 on August 9th (Go Leos!) and when I got to my upper 30's I kinda stopped doing anything. I spent the whole day literally doing nothing but surfing the web and playing video games so I suppose it was a good day. I took a personal day off from work so at least I was getting paid to do what I like.
Normally I go camping on my birthday every year but since I took next week off to go to World Con76 in San Jose I just stayed home. Only presents I got were a couple books, some cash, and this sweet ass statue I have been asking for for literally about 15 years now. My mother in law got it for me. Shes the best and isnt it cool as hell?!
Bonus points for anyone who actually knows what it is. I love it more then mere words can describe and he took a special place on my headboard for the moment until we get our own place and get my curio cabinet out of storage.
Also every year around this time my favorite local pizza joint, Flying Pie Pizzeria, has a Habanero pizza for sale. It used to come in three different scales of hotness but this year the added a fourth. I have been eating them in order so this year I got the triple stack Habanero pizza, about the equivalent of 15 pounds of jalapenos. I do love my spicy/hot food. Heres a picture of if before i devoured it all over the course of the next day or so.
For you Americans out there Man vs Food did an episode on it few years back. I havent seen it myself actually but may look it up after this blog. Next time, possibly even later this season, I have to try the quad stack pie with even more habaneros and a ghost pepper sauce drizzle. So do you folks out there like hot or spicy food? Let me know im curious. My son ate two slices but my wife wont go near the stuff. I actually had to sign a waiver to carry it out the store cause that much spiciness can be dangerous.....just ask my asshole the next day haha
Well since I'm in the blogging mood I will do the homework for the week.
Whats the most important lesson you ever learned?
Well, im not going to go too much in depth with this and just say: patience. When I was young I had little patience which led to anger problems. I thought for awhile I needed marijuana to give me patience but since I have been nearly sober (I snuck one hit for my friend's birthday) for a month now I realize I dont need it. Really need to get back into meditating again.
Well thats all for now. Take care everyone.
Much love