I've been trying to find a good time for some blogging and realized sitting on the bus on my way to work was as good of place as any.
It's getting festive and Yuletide is just around the corner. Decorations went up and hopefully we'll get a tree tomorrow. Just been cold and windy lately I Just want to stay indoors and play games. My mother recent collection of games was Ark Survival on my PS4. I love it because it's so difficult, and dinosaurs. I fucking LOVE dinosaurs. Also picked up the family present early this year; a new PC!!! Here's the specs if you care about such things.
For those that don't know it's pretty damn good. Had to go back to WoW after months away and gameplay is sooo smooth. Need to get a camera next so I can type less and you can get to know my personality better.
Still continuing my German lessons. Been just about 3 months since I started relearning and surpassing everything I knew. I know I'm progressing very nicely. I watch TV in German and listen to podcasts and what not and I can never understand all they say but I normally at least know what's going on and what they are talking about. Writing and especially speaking come much slower though because the cases and articles aren't stuck in my memory enough yet. My app says I'm 65% fluent and reading I can agree but speaking is more like 20 haha. I just don't get to practice except with people who don't know what I'm saying. I try to talk to people in German then repeat in English just to see if I know how to say it. If I check translation on phone I'm normally wrong though haha.
Well here's a horrible pic of me on the bus under it's weird red lights. Better get off my stop is coming up. You all have a fabulous day.