Now I'm not one to get embarrassed about very many things but one instance from my childhood always stands out. I was away from home for the weekend at a sort of youth retreat when I was around 15 or so. I'm not even sure what it was but anymore but at one point all the kids had to divide up into groups and make up a skit to perform in front of everyone later that evening. I ended up in a group of 5 or 6 but ended up being the only guy. The ladies then decided to out vote me and decided I was going to play a girl in the skit so they could have an excuse to basically give me a makeover. I don't even remember what role I was playing in the skit anymore.
At this point they all started messing with my hair, giving me a nice pair of boobies, putting me in tights and a dress and we were at the end stage of finishing off my make-up when I heard the unmistakable sound of the ice cream truck. Now, there is something you should know about me. I LOVE ice cream. Like a borderline obsession kind of love. I've been known to eat a full quart in one sitting. I also really really love choco tacos. If you have never had one, screw reading this blog and go eat one immediately!!
Anyway when I heard this sound I instantly jumped up, grabbed my wallet and took off out the door. Other kids had beat me outside and said it already went by, didn't stop and was now driving off down the street. Screw that I thought, I'm getting a damn choco taco and took off running down the street after it. All this happened in an instant because I never broke stride as I ran out the door and down the street. I eventually caught up to it a few blocks away as he saw me waving and running after him in his mirror. He stopped and I came to a halt panting outside his truck and proudly ordered my choco taco. Now as he was taking my money and getting my taco out of the freezer i was telling him about the retreat i was at and all the kids that would buy a lot of his ice cream. So he decided to go back and offered me a ride but I noticed he was looking at me really funny and i couldnt figure out why. I hopped up into the passenger seat, cause the truck had no passenger door, and he preceded to turn around in which I almost fell out of the truck when he did so. Only as we were driving back and he was still making weird glances at me did I then remember I was dressed in drag. Hell I don't even think I had shoes on and I was totally embarrassed but now knew exactly why the ice cream man was giving me weird looks. I must have turned pretty red cause all my friends gave me a ton of shit when i got back and for years after.
I ended up getting my ice cream and a ride, he made a bunch of money selling to the rest of the kids and everyone was happy. Thanks @missy and @Rambo for a great blog homework.
And heres a picture I took of the moon walking to work just because