Well, this is a tough one...
I don't usually make a New Year's resolutions list. Mostly because I'm not a very organized person... But I'll try.
(Being more organized is not on the list...)
1) Start my path to veganism
Being a ovo-lacto vegetarian was pretty easy for me, because I've never really liked any kind of meat. I had problems with iron deficiency at first, but once I learned how to eat healthy, they went away and I've been a happy vegetarian for ~6 years now. But I know being vegan is a bit more difficult. It's hard to find vegan products here, so I would have to cook more, which is something I don't usually do. So I'll do things step by step ^_^
2) Sing more
I've stopped taking singing lessons (because I can't pay -.-) and being part of a choir (because I don't have time) and it's killing me! Singing is a big passion of mine and I miss it so much... But I just got a new job, so I hope I can afford the lessons now.
3) Start saving some money to take my mom to Paris. :)
(It's one of her biggest dreams)
4) Finish my dragon tattoo
(Ph: Patrícia Nunes - Tattoo Artist: Cláudio Primo - Scorpions Tattoo)
5) Continue being weird and not caring about what other people say
6) Go back to my rainbow hair
Even if it means to shave my head and start again from scratch
7) Shoot more SG sets \o/
I promisse I'll work hard, study a lot other girls' sets so I can learn how to pose better and try to smile more :)
8) Stop worrying so much about everything
9) Get more quality sleep
If you guys have any tips, please help me. I have really bad sleeping habits, I always wake up feeling tired, I constantly have nightmares and there are some nights when I just can't sleep...
10) Have more sex
Maybe this could help me sleep? XD haha
Well, this was my New Year's resolutions list. I can't wait to read everyone else's. :)
I hope you all have a great year!!
@lyxzen @charmaine @rambo @missy