so nuke the whales is doing good right now. there might be a big snag soon, but ill worry about that when it gets here. we have about eight songs written right now and got one recorded a few days ago. for anyone who cares ill post a link for it later....
watch this if you have the time...a friend told me about it a while back but just remembered it now
so dc was a pretty alright time. i didnt get to see either band but we still had a good time doin touristy shit, goin to art museums and goin to the bar right near my sis's apt. and right now im actually at her house in durham, it's weird i dont see her for 3 months now i see her twice in 2
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so yea, im goin to see my sister in dc this thursday. i havent seen her in like 3 months so it should be pretty fun. i think we are gonna go see she wants revenge and/or the tragically hip one night. and in other news i'm playing with a new death punk band... we have a name but havent completely settled but yeah ill...
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have fun in dc!!!
know of any cool shit to see or do while i'm there?
does anyone else's browser close when they go to "MY SG"?
does anyone elese's browser close when they go to "MY SG"?
i've realized that im not as paranoid as i thought i was and in reality noone really likes me or maybe im just bein paranoid, but probably not... and im gonna go fuckin crazy if i dont get a fucking band to play with. being holed up in my shop and bedroom working on shit by myself is getting old. as much as i hate...
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so my friend and i are thinking of starting up a t-shirt company. mostly just for fun and to maybe make a little extra cash. plus both of us, especially me, have shitloads of free time. but anyway if anyone has any screenprinting tips or anything that would be great, cause neither one of us really know what the fuck we are doing.
whats goin on? we were just down in Wilmington last weekend =)
I looked into making t-shirts... Looks like it could be really cool, but I have so much going on I would never have time HAHA
I looked into making t-shirts... Looks like it could be really cool, but I have so much going on I would never have time HAHA
wilmington was cool even though it kept raining and what not
we were in durham last weekend =) lol
we were in durham last weekend =) lol
so does anyone really give a shit what people write here? i mean ive never really understood the point of bloging. my opinion really doesnt matter and neither does yours. or maybe im looking at it the wrong way? or maybe im just a fucking stupid hoser, since the point im trying to convey would lead me to not post this.
i read them. i like learning about people im friends with.