Hey guys so after having last week off due to personal reasons I’m back! So lets get into it!
#1 @spicedsoychai BREAKFAST IN BED currently at 2067
New set that only come out this week and it does not disappoint. She looks stunning in this set and I love those lovely eyes of hers. I simply can’t understand how she isn’t pink yet and I...
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I’ve seen so many people on here that either are or have struggled with depression and I thought I would share a little story about myself that I hope people will read and realize that what ever they may be struggling with that they are not alone. As a kid I grew up in a broken home, I don’t ever remember my mum and dad...
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I have had some recent developments that have had a deep mental impact on me so I've decided to take some time away from all This. I'm not going for good and I will be back although I don't know when that will be. So until we next talk again I hope everyone stays well!! 🖤
Hey guys it’s Friday again so it’s time for Fraser’s Friday 5 again. Hope everyone is well and having a great day, here we go:
#1 @TOMMY with her set EOS currently at 2059
I only recently discovered her and upon discovery couldn’t believe that she wasn’t pink yet. She is a absolutely stunning in this set and really hasn’t gotten the love it truly...
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@phianixx is streaming again over on her twitch channel at PHIANIXXGAMING TWITCH
She will also be streaming on the SG twitch channel from 10pm GMT SG TWITCH
She also has a new set out SUMMER TIME SELFIES be sure to check it and leave it some love if you haven't already so we can finally get this beautiful woman pink!!!!