Hey guys, so I have been wanting to do this for a while and now I’m back home from visiting family over the holidays I thought now would be a good time to start. So welcome to my first of many Fraser’s Friday five. So, the purpose of these blogs is just to give more attention to sets that I think need more love or ones that I think deserve to be SOTD.
#1 @phianixx with HAPPY LITTLE ACCIDENTS currently at 2930
How has this set not been SOTD!! Man, I just can’t get enough of this set. She looks totally perfect in every way .my words fail to do her beauty justice. From the smudges of paint on her body to her absolutely sunning body and her lovely tats this set has me falling in love with her every time I see it.
#2 @spicedsoychai with POCKET FULL OF POSIES currently at 3561
Another set i can’t believe that hasn’t been SOTD yet!! I absolutely love this set and she looks totally stunning in this set. Everything from her lovely eyes to her picture-perfect body she looks amazing. She also has some sweet sailor moon tats which l think are awesome. There is even a photo bombing cat which made me laugh a little.
#3 @jadestoner with A WHOLE NEW WORLD currently at 2017
This her first set and was completely blown away by it. She looks totally amazing in this set and I can’t believe this was her first set and she looks totally happy. With her beautiful eyes and fantastic body this set totally deserves more love. I’m defiantly look forward to future sets from this lovely woman.
#4 @catpaw with CALL MY NAME currently at 978
I’ll always have a soft spot for cosplay sets I love them so much. Her cosplay themed set of Highschool DxD Rias Gremory as absolutely on fire and just came out this week. She looks amazing and was left completely stunned by this set. Go give this set some love if you haven’t yet. I’m excited for what she will do next.
#5 @redkaya with STOP ON THE ROADTRIP currently at 1366
I totally love this set from her. She looks totally stunning and the outdoors them is great. As always, this set left me speechless with her beauty. This set deserves more love then it has gotten and is one of her best yet. So if you haven’t checked it out yet go have a look and leave her some love.
So that’s my first one done and I hope everyone enjoys it. Until next Friday peace out!!