what the fuck is going on with this site. the new layout sucks, and i've read several posts saying the same thing. it seems as if most of the links are not working, and visiting this site has become an unhappy experience. well my membership expires on the 16th and i'm not renewing. i hope you are happy SG!
oh by the way everyone should check out www.ngap.com, and www.grey2k.com or .org. they are about rescuing and adopting retired racing greyhounds. they make awesome pets!!!!!
oh by the way everyone should check out www.ngap.com, and www.grey2k.com or .org. they are about rescuing and adopting retired racing greyhounds. they make awesome pets!!!!!
I'm thinking they should have at least asked the members what their opinion was before they made such a drastic change.
Guess they'll find out how it works when people don't renew huh?