i almost forget that i have an account here... wtf!
um... so yeah i'm single now. horny as hell too. FUCK!!!!! it's all for the better though. it's been 5 days now since i talked with the now ex. probably 2 wks since i saw her. it feels like a relief in many ways, as long as i can keep my mind from drifting to the good times. i need somebody to rock my world...
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holy shit!! it's been over a year since my last post. i am such a slacker.
sailor jerry is my friend... this makes me think i've been drinking too much lately. oh well, screw it. stupor bowl tomorrow. party at my uncles. jerry is coming with me. should be fun.
okay... i think i'll make my yearly post here. same shit different day kinda. i got a new job assignment at work with better days off. i'm off sundays and mondays now, awesome for football and nascar. YEAH, i said it, NASCAR. for relationship stuff it's good too.
as for relationship matters... i'm trying to end an "on again, off again" relationship. the bad part...
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as for relationship matters... i'm trying to end an "on again, off again" relationship. the bad part...
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Yeah funny you should say that...they're trying to get pregnant.
He's dumb.
Anywho, good luck on that growing some balls thing!

Anywho, good luck on that growing some balls thing!

yeah, i never update this blog thing... i will be posting a.... i dunno what to call it, but something is coming soon.
Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas!!
yeah... i don't really do this journal thing well at all. anyway, i'm bored. and hungry.
Ha Michael Bolton ew. So how was your reunion?
Um HELLOOOOO yes I need a photographer!!!!!!
been away from SG for a while... just checking in to see what's up.
well...if you ever read Sylvester and the Magic Pebble...you would not wish to be a couch!
if not...disregard and thanks for the comment

if not...disregard and thanks for the comment

I'm going to see Rusted Root this friday at the electric factory... although i'm not quite sure why. on the off chance that anyone else is going, give me a shout.
OK.... big annoucement...
the dropkick murphys are going to be at the house of blues in atlantic city on march 13....
who's in?????
the dropkick murphys are going to be at the house of blues in atlantic city on march 13....
who's in?????
I don't know, bro, I'm still remembering the Social D show in philly... that was fuckkin' killer. did you ever wind up getting tickets?
as expected... my team won. off to the finals next week. it's gonna be a tough one.
no news here... nothing exciting anyway.
by pool team is playing in the semifinals tonite. we should win... great i probably jinxed myself with that one. oh well. like kid rock says "it ain't cocky muthafucka if ya back it up."
anyone every drink the relatively new Captain Morgan Tattoo??? if so, give me some feedback.
also, Rockstar - Juiced is the greatest hangover prevention...
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by pool team is playing in the semifinals tonite. we should win... great i probably jinxed myself with that one. oh well. like kid rock says "it ain't cocky muthafucka if ya back it up."
anyone every drink the relatively new Captain Morgan Tattoo??? if so, give me some feedback.
also, Rockstar - Juiced is the greatest hangover prevention...
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Thats a rather disturbing random thought....
you dont think your cat would eat all the food in the kitchen before eating you?
How'd your pool team do?
you dont think your cat would eat all the food in the kitchen before eating you?
How'd your pool team do?